This COULD be my last post ever.

Because, you see, by the time you read this little post, I will be in Orlando, FL getting ready to take part in this:

That’s right, I am registered for a half marathon. The mere fact of that boggles my mind. The only reason I signed up? The opportunity to go to WDW for the weekend – sans kids – with my husband and four good friends… and the fact that it’s called the “Wine & Dine” marathon. Because really, I love Disney and I love to wine and dine.

But run?

My friends, I am not a runner. Running is not inherent for me the way it is for others… like my husband, for example. We’ve been training for this thing for about 10 weeks, and with the exception of our last long run (a 10-miler), he’s pushed Sam in the jogging stroller the whole time.

And he still laps me.

I am a slow runner, but with the help of this 1/2 marathon training plan and Jeff Galloway’s run/walk method, I’ve completed the training. Now, all that’s left is actually doing it.

And doing it in the time frame required by the race officials.

So. That’s why this could be my last post ever – whether or not I survive this race debacle remains to be seen.

The race starts tomorrow at 10:00 p.m. (Yes, p.m. Because doing it in the morning like a regular race wouldn’t be challenging enough for me. heh). After it’s over, we’re going to party like it’s 1999 at Epcot, which is open to race participants until 3 a.m.

I’ve heard there will be tequila.

Again, if I live to tell about this it will be a miracle.

Stay tuned.

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