Lemon-y Fresh

I’m guessing this look familiar to all of you:

I remember classic Pledge in the yellow can from my childhood, and I use it in my house now.

Well, I should say, I use it on the rare occasion that I dust. Which, unfortunately, is not all that often. But when I do, I just love the smell – it makes everything so fresh and clean.

When I was asked to try out Pledge, the info I received said it could be used on wood and cabinets (of course), but also on stainless steel, granite/marble and leather as well.

I will admit – when I saw the Pledge-shaped box come in the mail, I expected to pull out a brand new probably not improved super duper all purpose hybrid version of Pledge. I was surprised to find that Pledge is the same as it’s always been… it was my own misconception (Pledge = wood) that kept me from using it on the other surfaces of my house.

So let’s review – Pledge says it can be used on wood/cabinets, stainless steel and granite. Coincidentally, I have all three of those surfaces right in my own kitchen.

I tried it out (and really, it felt weird spraying Pledge on my stove and counter tops!), and I was immediately impressed. The Pledge took off the smudges on my cabinets that were left from the installation (I was going to get around to it anyway, ahem), took the fingerprints off the stainless steel range (and the oven door) and made my granite counter tops gleam. (It also cleaned my old white refrigerator doors, which was great because I’m hoping that if the doors are shiny and pretty no one will notice the weird brown substance that’s recently started leaking from it.)

Was that an over-share?

Anyway… Three surfaces – one can… a name (and a scent) you can trust. Also? It costs less than $5. I looked it up. That is hard to beat.

This post was sponsored by Pledge, but the ideas, opinions, and general ramblings are all my own.

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It’s Like the Body Pillow of Laundry Machines

I know I’ve shown you these babies before (really, I like flashing them!):

But I’ve discovered a new feature on them that’s really helping me with THIS baby (and he’s not even here yet!):

Leg, Leg, NOT A LEG

Ok, it’s not really a “new” feature: it’s just the simple front-loading design of the Frigidaire Affinity washer & dryer.  The design makes it SO much easier to transfer laundry from one machine to another when you have a big ol’ pregnant belly.  Back in the day, when I had my old machines and was pregnant with Sophie, it seemed like my ginormous stomach always got in the way when I was pulling laundry out of my top-loader washer.  Making one of my least favorite household chores that much more laborious.

Now, as I am getting ready to enter into my THIRD TRIMESTER (can you believe that??), I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the front loaders!   It’s such a simple thing, but since I already have to haul my big self down to the basement to do my laundry, any energy the design of the machines saved me is much appreciated and put to good use elsewhere!

So, I’m digging the design!  As well as the stain clean setting, the sanitize setting, the quick setting, and everything else I’ve told you about!   These Frigidaire Affinity machines are making this mom’s laundry life so much easier!


This review is part of the Frigidaire Test Drive campaign through Mom Central.  I gots me a washer & dryer in exchange for my honest (and refreshingly candid, right?) review posts!

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Time Waits for No Mom

I feel a little bit like I’ve been hit by a truck.  Only instead of convalescing in a hospital room nursing my wounds, I just have to get up and walk around with two broken legs.

Ergh.  I’m so tired I can’t even metaphorize.

Every mom is a full-time mom, and there’s never any paid vacation or sick leave.  Or bereavement time.

So 6 hours after your grandfather dies, when your daughter wakes up screaming in the middle of the night constipated, you WILL have to sit with her for an hour until she gets it worked out.  You WILL have thoughts like, “What the crap?  My grandpa just died and now I am going to have to dig a turd out of my child’s butt!”  (Thankfully it didn’t come to that.  But for awhile it looked it was going to be that or the ER.)

And now, the day after a meaningful but exhausting funeral and burial, it seemed so wrong to have to open my eyes and get out of bed to get Sophie ready for school.  After dropping her off, I have to get to Kroger, because we’re still out of bananas and bread and drinks for Joshua’s lunch.  And crackers.  We must have crackers.  Sophie’s lust for crackers won’t wait for me to recover, either.

So life is moving on.  But I’m so tired.  Could someone freeze time for another few hours so I can catch up?

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