My Solution to Seasonal Mood Disorder

Yesterday it rained steadily allllll daaaaaaaaaaaay. And it was cold. And yucky. And dark. And I hated it. It was my hubby’s bday, and I could not pull myself out of my weather-induced funk. I was feeling, as Joshua would say, BLAG. I just checked the forecast for today and it looks like it’s at least going to be sunny at times, which is great, because yesterday’s darkness really had me depressed. It just made the messes in our house look messier, the housework seem insurmountable, and I swear it somehow amplified Joshua’s whining tenfold!

Running errands with two kids in the pouring rain is, as I am sure many of you know, soooo much fun, but unfortunately we had a couple of stops we HAD to make after being out of town for a few days. Our driveway and the drug store parking lots had tons of puddles. Having not yet bought proper winter shoes, I was still wearing my Lands End Trellos and my feet got quite wet. I have no coat with a hood. I couldn’t find an umbrella. By the time we got hopme I was a soggy, grumpy, irritable MESS, and by the time we left to go out to dinner with friends for Bobby’s birthday, I was ready to throw the kids out of the car as we drove by my parent’s house! UGH! I hate feeling this way.

Perhaps my unpreparedness for this weather is really a form of denial. I am just not ready for it to be dark and cold by 5:30 PM . I’m not ready for the twenty-minute long coat-hat-and-gloving ritual that must take place before one can leave the house with two children. So, I’ve decided, I’m gonna make like a bear and hibernate. I’m gonna binge-eat really hard for the next couple weeks, and then just sleep ’til the end of March. Just think of all the money I’ll save if I just skip Christmas! I’ll emerge from my slumber thin, well-rested, and just in time to see Emily pop out another baby. I won’t have to spend the winter months wondering what the HELL the sex of said baby is either, which will be a relief.

So, yes. Hibernation it is. See you all in 4 months!

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Life in the Slow Lane

Hola amigos! As Emily mentioned, I’ve been away for a few days, spending Thanksgiving with my parents at their house in Virginia (not West Virginia, Em, get it right! Geez my Dad is offended.) My crazy creative parents built said house on top of a mountain, and although it’s beautiful, there’s not a whole lot to do there, so you better love the ones you’re with. Fortunately, none of us there had a problem in that area! It was a really fun, relaxing time. It was so good for Bobby and I to spend time together with the kids, and nice to have my parents and my Grandma around to help out! I even got a couple of naps, which were faaaabulous (and convenient since Sophie didn’t sleep well away from home.)

The thing I like best about being atop the ol’ mountain, though, is that life just really slows down. There really isn’t anything much to do when the weather is cold, so we all sat around and read, played games, and napped. They only have (archaically slow) dial-up internet there, so there was no time for me to obsessively blog or check my StatCounter. They don’t have cable, or even TV reception, so we couldn’t all sit in front of the tube like zombies (although they do have a DVD player so Mom forced us to watch a horrific Hallmark Hall of Fame movie one night. And March of the Penguins. Have you seen that? I am SO GLAD I AM NOT A PENGUIN!!!)

Anyhoo, my point is, it was really nice to slow down and just enjoy each other. I let myself get so busy and stressed here at home trying to stay on top of the housework and the cooking and taking care of the kiddos – I get so wound up sometimes that I forget to just enjoy my family and be thankful for all that I have. And up on the mountain, that’s just what we all did. Hopefully through the rest of the holiday season I won’t forget to stop and slow things down a bit when I have the chance.

And since I have the floor here, I do want to take a chance to say a very special HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY to my darling hubby. Welcome to the awesome club, baby! I love you!

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Meme Sunday

Adventure Mom tagged us for the famous “Seven Random Things about Me” meme, and since Jenny has already done it and she’s still in the mountains of West Virginia, I’ll take this one.

So, seven random things about me…

1) I am one of the four people left in America with dial-up internet at home. This is NOT conducive to blogging.

2) I can’t remember if tomorrow will mark my 19th or 20th week of pregnancy.

3) I am addicted to books on tape. I drive 40 minutes each way to work, and it’s a great way to spend that time.

4) I was named after the girl in the Clifford books… “Hi, my name is Emily Elizabeth…”

5) I’m not a cook at all, but I make really good lasagna and chili. Separately, not lasagna with chili.

6) I took Kate to see “Enchanted” on Friday and I’m pretty sure I enjoyed it more than she did. It’s reallllly good!

7) I learned all the words to “We didn’t start the fire” while stuck in a traffic jam.

Fascinating, eh? Sorry – it was the best I could do on a Sunday afternoon!

Hope everyone has enjoyed the holiday weekend!

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