Misery LOVES Company!

Remember this post? Remember when I was about to resort to violence because my son kept saying “Mama, watch this!”?

Well last night, after returning home from a successful Mommies’ Night Out – TAKE 2 – with Emily (and her sister Anna – bonus!), Sophie was being really cute and so I called to Bobby, “Come look at this!”

What I got in response was a huge, annoyed SIGH.

Me: What’s wrong?
Bobby: Nothing. It’s just that I’ve been asked to look at stuff by Joshua all night.
Me: (out loud) I know how you feel.
Me: (inside): Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA! (clear throat) HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA AH AHA AHAHAH HA! Whew! Ahem.

Misery loves company, indeed.

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Dinnertime Blues

I need some help.

I don’t know how to cook. Well, I don’t know how to cook very well… and basically, I rarely take the time to do it. This fact generally results in either a) grabbing something while we’re out, b) pizza, or c) Hormel beef tips & gravy poured over egg noodles seeming like home cooking.

I don’t get home until 5:45, so preparation time is at a minimum. And, like I said, I don’t know a lot about cooking.

So I’m turning to all of you in the blogosphere for some help! How do you get dinner on the table in less than two hours? What are some of your stand-by recipes? What are your tips for a great (I would settle for edible) family dinner?

And while we’re at it, how do you get a 3 1/2 year old to eat?

I’m anxiously awaiting your comments!

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The End of an Era

Last weekend, something changed in our house. It was a change that was inevitable, but still one that I was hoping to put off for as long as possible. Last weekend, in Joshua’s lingo, Bobby went from being Daddy to being Dad, and I went from being Mama to being Mom.

It started out as an experiment. He started calling Bobby “Dad”. He used it at the end of every sentence. “Let’s go play computer, Dad.” “I need to go potty, Dad.”

I tried to combat it. “Joshua, why are you calling him ‘Dad’? His name is ‘Daddy’!”

“I like Dad!” he said.

The next day, it was my turn. “I’m hungry, Mom.” “Where are we going, Mom?”

“My name is Mama. Call me Mama.”

“I like to call you Mom!”

It’s been a week, and he’ll let the occasional “Mama” slip when he’s tired or excited, but 99% of the time he calls me “Mom”. He sounds so grown-up and smart doing it! He’s still saying it at the end of every sentence, still testing out the way it feels rolling off his tongue, but I’m pretty sure my new moniker is here to stay.

Makes me sad. I want him to be my baby and I want to be his Mama!

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