Shoe 911

I am a terrible shoe shopper. TERRIBLE. I never know what to buy… what looks right, what fits right, what’s good quality. So most of the time I just don’t buy any, and then eventually I’ll realize I go to work every day in shoes that look like this:

Aren’t they pretty?

I am SO indecisive about shoes that I walked around DSW the other day for 45 minutes, knowing I had a gift card in my purse… and I still walked out without a thing.

Another problem is that I don’t know what kind of shoes I need. I don’t know what are considered “shoe staples.”

So, of course, I am turning to all of you for help. I need to revamp my shoe wardrobe in a hurry. Any suggestions???

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18 Replies to “Shoe 911”

  1. Unless your considering athletic shoes, I think there are two staples: a plain pair of comfortable (not dowdy) black pumps, and a pair of ballet flats (preferably embellished so they are fun). After that, a pair of black knee high boots, plain front to go with anything. Then you can start following trends. For boots, people are still mostly doing flats. But I can’t get away with that being short, so I still go for heels. I’ve also heard it’s best to put your money into your shoes to make sure you get better quality. Check sites like Rue-la-la, Hautelook, ideeli… you can get some great deals. I have invite links on the right side of my blog if you need them.

    The big trend right now, is peep toe booties, which I just can’t get behind. But maybe they’re good for you!

    By the way, these are guidelines I hear but rarely follow. But looking at the toe of that shoe, it looks a bit out of date. You might consider updating those.

  2. The shoe guy is here to rescue you! I might not work for a shoe company anymore, but I know my stuff.

    From a staple standpoint, there are two things to consider: Function and Color.

    Let’s start with function and then we’ll discuss color with each option. You have different occasions to wear shoes, but for the most part they can be broken down to this: Dressy (weddings and other fancy parties), Casual dressy, and comfort.

    For casual dressy – because that’s the most common usage – the basic would be a pump. Pick a height that you find comfortable. Buy one in black and another in a neutral color. The higher the heel, the more dynamic the effect – even a casual shoe can make you look like a super model. But, to start – something as simple as this:

    Outside the pump, there are nice flats that you can get. Again, get black and then a neutral color Something simple like this:

    For Dressy – you’ll want higher heels. This is where you can get a lot of different stuff and what’s “in style” is important. I’m not gonna comment on this because I’m not a chick and I really don’t pay that much attention, but for a staple – you really can’t go wrong with this:

    and for Casual – really it’s just about buying something that you’re comfortable in…..

    From these staples, you branch out and start buying fun colors and going from there. You’ll be Imelda Marcos in no time……

    That’s enough out of me. From years in the shoe industry and being carted around shoes stores by girlfriends, I am an expert. LOL

  3. Those look almost exactly like my work heels. Mine are so pathetic looking but I just don’t have time to go buy new shoes! I took a sharpie to mine so that they weren’t so obviously worn-looking. Of course, if you got a good look you would know they look even worse now.

  4. OH, next time we’re in ohio I’m having a shoeintervention! As your favorite cousin can tell you, I sort of obsessively look for shoes (it happens when you where an 11). I love love “george the shoe guy”s recommendations. Fitzwell, Nine West, Donna Karen, Dansko are my favorite work shoe companies. My best advise is look at your wardrobe and your needs. Black low pumps for work, ballet flats/loafers in a neutral and a bright color, good quality leather boots in both black and brown. Shop online and look at is a mission and your OCD self will have fun with it. I find brands I like in stores and then go home and find them online in my size and usually for cheaper. Also: HAVE FUN! If you wear alot of neutrals, you can add alot of style with bright, fun shoes. I recently bought this shoe and wear it constantly even though its super bright.

  5. Loved this post! Your self-depreciating humor is so fun to read. Our suggestion? Just keep your hair looking fabulous and no one will be looking down at your feet! : )
    The sharpie idea (in one of your comments) is pretty smart too.
    -Deb for Ouidad

  6. I’m right there with you on needing the shoes – just haven’t had time to go shopping. If you want to do it, pick a night and we’ll go do it! There are a TON of great sales this week too!!

  7. I have more shoes than Diane.
    It’s a sickness…one that I can live with!

    Me loves me shoes.

    No suggestions other than “just buy more”!


  8. You must regard Chuck Taylors as the essential shoe. First buy black and a neutral color. They also come in fun colors like red and brown. Hey! If they were good enough for Bob Cousey…
    After that, getcha some wing-tips. Regardless of what ZZ Top and Henry Lee Summer say, they are VERY cool. You can borrow mine some time before you buy your own, just to hear what other people say about how you look in them.
    As for “casual”, you can’t beat barefoot. Did I ever tell you about the time I went to work without socks? Nobody had the nerve to say anything to me about it. It was funny.

  9. Go Dan, no socks! How very Simon and Garfunkel of you…and me back in the day…we never wore socks with our penny loafers!


  10. I am laughing so hard at your Dad and UP right now!! I am not one for shopping especially for shoes! So good luck?! HA! I wear crocks every day THANK HEAVENS!! and I have a pair in all the essential colors! 🙂

  11. Oh my gosh Emily! I cannot believe we have been talking the past month and you have NEVER brought up the topic of shoes in your emails! Don’t worry-the shoe queen is here to the rescue! I’m definitely a shoe shopper of any type, style and color.
    Now for you, comfort is an absolute MUST for not only moms, but for women in general. If I don’t think a heel or shoe in general is comfortable, I won’t think twice about buying them. If they aren’t comfortable to wear, you’ll never take them out of the box, unless you have an undying urge to get blisters that day. To acheive this comfort level, it is critical for you to TAKE YOUR TIME SHOPPING. Shopping for shoes, especially work shoes isn’t something you can just run into the store for and run right back out (unless they are on hold for you:) ). Trying on the shoes is also a must, even making a few laps around the store, just to see how you hold up in the shoes.
    I’m not sure what your profession is, but if it is anything that involves you to be very professional and business-like, a low heel in black is always a safe route to go. If you’re like me though and are obsessed with colors, get a color that would match a lot in your professional closet, such as an earthy toned color like a dark green if you wear earthy colors, a bright color if you tend to wear all black to add a splash of color (all black suit with some yellow heels) or something with a pattern. Of course if you cannot do heels, a classic flat is always a great option, just make sure the pants you wear don’t drag from the lack of height (I know from experience!).
    In my experience for searching for professional shoes, whether they are flats, pumps, or heels, I have found that DSW is a great choice, as is Nine West, White House/Black Market and any big department store such as Elder Beerman and Macy’s. If you ever need help picking out shoes feel free to ask me any questions, or even to meet up for a shoe shopping spree! I know I might seem like I am kind of koo-koo about shoes, but it’s one of my passions. I cannot help but get a little worked up when I talk about shoes:)

    1. I’m not sure what your profession is, but if it is anything that involves you to be very professional and business-like, a low heel in black is always a safe route to go. If you’re like me though and are obsessed with colors, get a color that would match a lot in your professional closet, such as an earthy toned color like a dark green if you wear earthy colors, a bright color if you tend to wear all black to add a splash of color (all black suit with some yellow heels) or something with a pattern. Of course if you cannot do heels, a classic flat is always a great option, just make sure the pants you wear don’t drag from the lack of height (I know from experience!).

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