School is in SESSION!

Cheers, my friends. All 3 kids are in school! Although they are doing staggered start for Jonah’s preschool so he will be back home tomorrow, I AM STILL TAKING IT. Also, his preschool now starts at 7:30 which is brutal BUT I AM SO HAPPY I don’t care right now!!

I am going to savor my delicious aloneness for 55 more minutes before I have to go pick him up from preschool. Then I am going to hug and kiss him and squeeze him and take his picture because he wouldn’t let me take it this morning. I can’t wait to hear about his first day!

But right now, I have some butt to kick: housework, work work, oh and I need to fit in ONE more cup of coffee. I’ve got some exciting things going on that I can’t wait to tell you about, but…I will wait, until it’s time.

Are your kiddos back in school yet? Are you like me and happy about it or are you actually a good mom and miss them terribly? 🙂

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3 Replies to “School is in SESSION!”

  1. Xander has been in school since JULY 30th! And I just started classes today which means that I had over 3 weeks of alone time to play with. I am like you, I love him, I also love having some time for myself. 🙂

  2. Working full time I miss my kids just as much during the school year as in the summer. School just means more family time zapped away for homework each night.

  3. My son starts kindergarten on Monday. He is excited and I am too! He will go Monday thru Friday in the morning and ride the bus!!! My 1 year old naps 10-12 everyday. So I can’t wait to have that time to actually get things done!

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