
So it’s Friday, it’s late, and I’m worn out. I don’t have the mental capacity to write a whole post about one thing, so I thought I’d bore you with write about some random stuff going on in our lives.

Random Item #1 – I took our kids to get haircuts tonight. I vaguely remember a time when an evening at the salon was a relaxing event. Tonight, I felt like I had gone three rounds with Roberto Duran by the time we walked out of there. When it was Kate’s turn, I was trying to encourage her to keep her head down or straight or whatever so she didn’t end up with a jagged hairline while I was juggling Sammy and trying to keep him from playing with the piles of hair on the floor. The fun really started when it was his turn, though. In Sammy’s 14 months of life, he’s had about six haircuts, and typically he’s done pretty well. This time, however, he was not such a fan. He had hair in his eyes and his mouth and he was screaming like we were removing a limb rather than extraneous hair. With all the wailing and gnashing of teeth, I’m pretty sure our hairstylist was regretting both her chosen career and her current state of gestation. And after it was over, we decided we hadn’t had quite enough fun for the night and headed to the grocery store. Yes, Mr. Teenage Cashier. I know the box of graham crackers is open.

Random Item #2 – Our Disney trip is right around the corner and I am extremely disappointed with myself regarding the lack of obsession effort I’ve put into planning it. We’ve got all of our dining reservations, Kate’s booked on the Pirate Cruise, and I have spreadsheets outlining our general touring plan, but I really feel like I did a lot more preparation last time and had everything in a much more organized fashion. Perhaps it’s time to break out the old numerous spreadsheets and see if I can just update them.

Random Item #3 – I’ve been taking a lot of classes this summer – I’ll have knocked out 12 credit hours when it’s all said and done in a couple of weeks. Three of the courses I’ve taken have been great, but one… not so much. It was actually horrible. Hideous, really. It was online, which makes it sound like it should be a breeze, but for six weeks an assignment was due every Monday and a test was given each weekend… and the tests? They were impossible. My grades were as follows: 70, 69, 63, 62, and 67 on the final. Go me! My sources tell me there’s a huge curve in this class and that I’ll wind up with a B, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Of course, the class has been over for a couple weeks and the grades aren’t posted yet. Ugh. But, if the stars align, I should be done with my master’s in May of next year, so that’s good at least.

Random Item #4 – My friends and I ate lunch at Jimmy John’s the other day, and as we were leaving we noticed a sign with “25 Things that it Took Me 50 Years to Learn,” by Dave Barry. It’s hilarious, and Emilie posted about it today, so click over to her blog to check it out. I particularly identify with numbers two, three (Twitter, anyone?), and 14.

Ok, I’m done. You can wake up now.

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9 Replies to “Randomness”

  1. Okay, first of allz, the fact that you use the words “vacation” and “spreadsheet” in the same sentence means that you’re far more organized than the average bear. Second, I am happy to know I am not alone in my grocery shopping methods. Ellie and I routinely make it to the cash register with open boxes of cookies and half-drunk bottles of juice. Maybe that’s why I gravitate toward the self-checkout lanes. And third, given the grossness factor of your kids’ habits lately, why NOT let Sammy play with the piles of hair on the floor?

  2. Oh Sister! I think that there is something in our not-as-diverse-as-it-should-be gene pool that makes us love planning trips. When we went on our trip, I was shocked to discover that some people go places without a detailed agenda and researching each and every restaurant they intend to eat at. Seriously, who lives like that??? At any rate, if there is anyway that I can help, please let me know. I’d happily research for you! You’ve also now had the first trip to learn from and build off of, so I think that you’re bound to even more prepared than you were then… Even if there are less spread sheets and message board posts.

  3. updating the spreadsheets will be fine… isn’t that the point of a spreadsheet. Not to mention you guys have been there SO many more times (than me), I’m sure you could just wing it and be fine… but I know that’s not your style.

  4. I love it spreadsheets and vacation. Great minds think alike and I too am getting my masters toguh stuff huh.

  5. Random Item #1 . . . my little guy is 14 months old and we’re just starting to gear up for his FIRST haircut. How do you have six haircuts by then?!!! I like the curly messiness of his hair, but his sideburns curl upward in a goofy way, and his bangs are in his eyes. I love the curls in back, but those will have to get trimmed too or he’ll have a baby mullet.

    Random Item #2 . . . aren’t spreadsheets the best thing ever invented?!!! I swear, my answer to “what three things would you take if you were stranded on an island” question includes Microsoft Excel. I would know exactly how many coconuts I have at all times. LOL.

    Love your blog. Random thoughts aren’t as boring as you think. Sometimes it’s just nice to know that crazy minds think alike.

    Tee-hee! I’m kind of new to reading your blog and I just noticed in the sidebar that you have 9 posts about puke. Cute.

  6. So I’m laughing at your vacation spreadsheets… seeing as how we just decided one day to go on vacation and left with NO planning. You probably get a lot more exciting stuff in with more notice, huh? I’m still laughing at your spreadsheets. 🙂

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