Oh, the Gosselins.

Stop by our house at any given time of the day, and I can tell you what will be on television. We no longer hear Dora screaming talking about her latest adventure, and even the refrain “You get the best of both worlds” isn’t as omnipresent as it once was. No, what you’ll hear coming from our tv is this:

“It all started with the two of us. Then we had our beautiful twin girls, Cara and Madelyn. We were so thrilled, we decided to try for just one more and ended up with six.”

Jon and Kate Plus 8. TLC’s hit reality series about a couple who has twins and sextuplets. Kate (my Kate, not the show’s Kate) is obsessed. I am not exaggerating, obsessed. And the funniest thing? Andy and I love to watch it, too. It’s the first show that the three of us have all actually enjoyed.

It is an interesting show… just watching how a family with eight kids manages to do anything is fascinating. I mean, can you imagine cooking for all those kids? Going to the grocery? Taking them to the dentist? Let alone taking plane trips to Utah and driving to Disney World. (Did you hear that, Jenny? Eight kids at Disney! I know that’s your idea of heaven).

A few weeks ago, there was a special episode in which Jon and Kate answered questions that many viewers had, including something I had always wondered about – where are the grandparents? Kate’s vague answer about how some grandparents are involved and some are not and theirs are in the “not” category didn’t satisfy my curiosity, so of course I Googled it.

And, as sometimes happens when we Google things, I learned more than I wanted to know.

Apparently there is a movement going to try to have the show taken off the air. People are concerned for the kids and feel as though it’s an invasion of their privacy… some even calling it child abuse. There’s a blog that is dedicated to disecting every detail of the show and reading all sorts of things into it… a little over the top, if you ask me. Not even (my) Kate is obsessed enough with the show to watch it with the sound off in order to assess the family’s body language.

Learning about the controversy surrounding the show has taken an edge off my enjoyment, that is for sure. I can really see both sides of the story – I can understand the concern for future consequences that the kids might face for having every moment of their lives caught on videotape. I think that’s something that all of us bloggin’ mommies have struggled with to some degree. And Jon and Kate are definitely profiting monetarily from the show, but really I’m not sure that is cause for condemnation. Can you imagine trying to feed and clothe eight kids on one income? Why not ride this wave while it’s here?

I also wonder if some of the criticism is simply because viewers don’t like (the show’s) Kate. She’s tough and straight-talking and OCD. However, if I had eight kids you would find me under the covers curled up in the fetal position sucking my thumb. So I can understand why she is a bit stressed at times. But it does make me wonder if she is treated so harshly because she isn’t Mary Poppins.

So basically, I don’t know where I stand. I want to give Jon and Kate the benefit of the doubt and to believe that they have the best interest of their kids in mind. But, I don’t want to participate in the exploitation of children either.

So, readers, what do you think?

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29 Replies to “Oh, the Gosselins.”

  1. I think you need to buy me cable or satellite for my birthday (to make it up to me that you are younger, ya jerk.) so I can watch this show!

  2. I recently found a liking for this show. My kids like it, my husband hates it. I think it’s great–I love seeing how she runs things. I will say that the first season I couldn’t stand it b/c she was so mean to poor Jon. But I think she either learned from watching it herself, or she’s relaxed a bit b/c she isn’t that bad anymore.
    I’ve also wondered about the grandparents when I heard her comment on one of the shows about them. I think it’s going to be a great thing for the kids to have so much of their childhood recorded so closely! I’m sure they’ll hate some of it but overall I think it’s great!
    oh, did you ask for a comment or a blog on your blog?

  3. I don’t have a problem with the show and I DVR the new episodes to watch later when I’m doing laundry or some other boring household chore. I’ve watched it from the beginning, including the first two hour-long shows that gave rise to the series. The cameras are not there on a day-in-day out basis from the way I understand it. They plan specific shooting days based around events/themes they want to produce shows on. While yes, the Gosslins are making money on the show, that money allows Kate to be at home with the children and allows them to do things with their kids that would not be possible otherwise. I believe the children are reaping benefits of that extra income. It’s work for the whole family, and it benefits the whole family. When the benefits stop outweighing the time and personal invasion of privacy they endure, I believe they’ll (the family) stop making the show.

  4. I love the show and watch as often as I can. I think it is a great show and gives all mothers a sense of “My life isn’t so bad.” I do not feel the children are being exploited. The cameras are not there all day every day, and from what I have seen, the producer and the camermen have become like family to the Gosselins. It seems to be a positive experience for the kids.

  5. I agree with Krista completely. I love that show! I think that part of the reason they do the show is to give their kids opportunities they would not normally have. She said her biggest fear when she had that many kids was that they wouldn’t get to do things that “normal” kids get to do. Can you blame her for wanting that? IF this is the way to do it, then go for it! I’m sure it’s not going to go on forever, and the cameras are not there 24/7. Sometimes Kate can get on my nerves with how mean she can be to Jon, but I’m sure if someone videotaped me with my family, they might occasionally see me say some rude things, too!!!

  6. Okay, now I went back and read the blog that Kim mentioned and I don’t know what I think!

  7. I just watched it last night before bed. I am entertained by this show. I am acutally jealous of them, a bit. Not the crazy 8 kids part, but just the fact that the kids will have a “real” piece of their growing up always preserved. I know that is why they decided to do the show in the first place. I, on the other hand, am extremely haphazard about video taping, or even taking pictures.

  8. Thanks for the blog, Kim. There goes my productivity for the day. Kathy – I’m with you. I don’t know what to think now.

  9. Lori and Kim – this is what led to my confusion in the first place! As for that blog… I kind of feel like it’s just picking apart
    every little thing… and I also think that maybe she’s using it to gain
    noteriety from being Jodi’s sister! So who knows. 🙂

  10. OH wow that blog is awful. I wouldn’t even talk to my SIL if she was telling her sister everything I did and then posting it online! Also, I am quite sure the cameras are NOT there 24/7/365. AND you know why Kate has 8 kids…because, God knew she could handle them. I certainly could not. I can barely handle one and I for sure wouldn’t want my parenting dissected.

    All that said, I like the show. Sure K can get grouchy. It kind of reminds me of when I am trying to put together, say, a desk or something and snap at my hubby, who is not much help. The only thing I don’t like about the show is one of the children gets on my nerves, badly.

  11. I love Jon & Kate & all 8 of their little ones running around. I admire the things they have courage to do with that many little ones to keep up with. Flying on a plane to Utah with 8 kids – for me – OUT OF THE QUESTION. I’d be scared to death of one … not to mention 8! I was even amazed when they took the kids to choose their pumpkins for making Jack-O-Lanterns. I have enough trouble choosing and making one much less making 10 of them.

    People are always going to have issues and debates where multiples are concerned when in relation to conception by artificial means, such as with Jon & Kate but I believe it is their choice as to how they want to share it with the world. If they want to televise their life then so be it. I can appreciate the fact that they don’t sugar coat their story. They are frank and honest about the challenges they face and how they conquer them.

  12. Well, after reading that it certainly give a new prospective on things. I do think that Kate over-reacts and sometimes blows up for no apparant reason. However, so do I. Sometimes I blow up and yell, I feel so badly when I do, but that does not make it okay. However, it doesn’t make me a bad mother. Who knows what is the truth behind all this. I do know I like Jodi very much. She seems to have a calm demeanor and handles the kids while doing projects with the kids at the same time. Everyone has to realize that each person is an individual, I actually feel bad for Kate when she overreacts when the kids get messy, one day she will regret it – if she doesn’t already.

    Personally, I will keep watching it.

  13. I don’t plan to read the blog. I LOVE Jon & Kate. Kate is human – we all are, in case you didn’t know! I would hate for a camera to be with me all day with 8 kids. She seems a lot calmer now than earlier years. It all comes down to she has 8 kids, she great with the kids, sometimes she loses it, but don’t we all?

  14. First of all, let me say that the Q & A episode happens to be on right now as I’m typing this!! I love the show, and I can TOTALLY understand Kate’s strictness…it’s survival. Plain and Simple! My husband HATES the show because she is so forceful, but I think its just because he knows she’s right. Hehehehehe!! Some people just have WAY to much time to analyze things. If someone wanted to come and video my kids and pay me to do it, COME ON IN!

  15. I love Jon & Kate plus 8. I am half of an inter-racial couple and it’s awesome to see TV portray a family that looks like our family. I read the blog and then did some more googling (is that a word?). It’s hard to know what’s fact and what’s fiction. All of the negative information and/or opinions aren’t really backed up by a reputable source. Anyone could be writing that blog and saying they are Jodi’s sister.

  16. i’ve been checking that blog out–that girl has way too much time on her hands. and the damage she’s doing to whatever relationship they have with Jodi? it seems much worse to me.
    i’m so glad no one is filming my life–there would be so much fuel for a huge fire!

  17. I pretty much agree with what everyone else has said, but wanted to add another thought. I get the impression that the filming crew shows up on special days that are selected because something particular is going on. And I don’t know how often it is, but I do NOT think that “every moment of their lives is caught on tape” as some of the critics say. They don’t make that many new episodes, I bet they are only in their home maybe a few days a month? That would be worth it for the extra income, if you ask me.

  18. Yes, Crystal…I know EXACTLY which one gets on your nerves and I feel the same way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. I love Jon & Kate plus 8 too. I have them all saved on my DVR and love to re-watch the cute little kids every now and then. I visited some of the blogs–and agree that these people should maybe have better things to do with their time. I do think, though, that Kate might regret some of her rigidity in the long run–not letting them use markers at the Crayola Factory, not eating ice cream at Disneyworld, not eating cupcakes on their birthday. Poor little ones. For special moments like that, laundry isn’t a good excuse to me. Let them be kids. And I don’t like how Jon and Kate can sometimes make fun of their kids, like mocking Joels lisp and stuff. Maybe to themselves wouldn’t be so bad, just laughing about it, but on TV for everyone to see, I don’t like it.

  20. I too am torn on all levels with this show. Yes, Kate is a big ole B*#$^. But with 5 kids in my house ages 2-7, I do loose it once and a while. OK, on a consistent basis. And I certainly don’t have ocd tendencies as she does. I just want a clean and calm house. Is that too darn much to ask?
    So, I don’t know where I stand. I do know that “reality TV” isn’t all that real. How could one possibly live their life normally when cameras are always in your face? It isn’t possible. Therefore, I know a lot of things are edited. And this issue with Aunt Jodie is, I think, being blown out of proportion. IMO.

  21. I stopped watching after Bubble Gumgate. The way Kate spoke to her son, threatening to throw away his blankie because there was gum on it, and he was standing there crying…I just couldn’t take it anymore. And then I heard (from a friend) about the birthday episode and the cupcakes and Kate’s behavior. I’m glad I didn’t see that one myself.

    I can understand being strict. I can understand losing your temper. But the way Kate speaks to Jon and the children, I cannot understand. If my husband spoke to me that way, my feelings would be so hurt I’d probably burst into tears. And if he spoke to me that way on national television, I’d feel very humiliated.

    I also have a bad taste in my mouth about them selling tickets to their speaking engagements at churches, and then asking for an offering, AND selling photos of the family (I guess the photo part is their business, not mine and they can sell pictures if they want. It just seemed like they had their hand out everywhere I turned). That is what they did at our church and I just thought it was strange.

  22. All I can say is that I sure am glad that I am not having to make ends meet with 8 kids!

    It would seem that the cameras are probably gone far more often then they are there and if it means they can all be home more due to the income from the show, I understand why they considered it.

    How sad for them that there is all this hate out there – that is not good for the kids, either. Maybe those people who are concerned about the welfare of the kids should think of that – having nasty stuff posted all over about your family is more damaging than a light hearted show. It will become a bigger issue as the kids are older and online.

  23. I also wanted to mention about these people that have hate blogs (there is even some on facebook), that if they don’t like – don’t watch it. No one is forcing them to watch. I am a fan, I can relate to it.

    By the way, Jenny, I don’t have cable either…I conveniently go to my dad’s on Monday nights to “visit” and then happen to flip through channels and whats on? Oh, look, Jon & Kate! Although, I think he’s catching on!

  24. I watch the show occassionally to see how they manage all those kids! I only have 3 and sometimes I feel like I’m gonna go nuts so if I can learn a tip or two from someone with 8 at the ages they are, then it’s just inquisition. People are truly going off the deep end to criticize them like that. Just don’t watch it 🙂

  25. I love watching the show and admire how organized and in control Jon and Kate are. Kate may seem over the top some times, but Jon is a good match for her and they do have loving moments with eachother.

    I think everyone’s marraige is different and what works for one couple, may not work for another. There marraige seems solid, who is to judge?

    Also, I think this mentioning of child abuse is rediculous. Children are beaten, neglected and murdered daily by their parents. Who’s right is it to decide if Kate and Jon’s parenting decisions about gum, food choices, etc are too strict/abusive, etc. We can all have our opinions, but there certainly is no abuse of any kind going on. Turn off the show and MYOB if you are offended by their parenting or marraige.

    From what I have noticed, it looks like they film the show in very short time periods. So the cameras are not there all the time, just for short stints to capture a day or an activity. I have personally admired how the Goslins seem to control their exposure in the show. Knowing Kate’s personality, I am sure she has ALOT of controll over who, what, when and where.

  26. I read the J&K+8 hater blogs and was very upset w/ how judgemental the people are. I have always been a fan of the show and DVR every episode. I do not have kids, but I find the show very humorous. However, I could not finish Monday night’s episode (7/21/08) about their most embarrassing moments. Kate continually ridiculing Jon drove me crazy!! She seems to have gotten worse! My husband always says he could never live with Kate. You never know what to believe, but I certainly watch the show in a different way now.

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