It Could be Worse.

I originally titled this post “Running on Empty” and I intended to moan and complain about how we’ve been out of town the last two weekends, how Sam landed himself in the emergency room in St. Louis on Friday, how because of being gone I haven’t had time to do normal weekend stuff like go to the grocery, how tennis season is about to start and I won’t see my husband for about two months, how my cell phone won’t actually make or receive calls, and how I am completely unprepared for my kids’ joint birthday party that is taking place on Sunday (oh and btw, Jenny & Aunt Diane – your invitations are still in my purse so it’s Sunday at 2 at my dad’s, k?).

And also how I am freaking exhausted.

But really none of those things are really all that terrible, so I felt guilty about my impending complaints and decided not to wax poetic about them (even though in telling you that I wasn’t going to complain, I still got all my complaints in).

Since I have nothing else to say, I decided to leave you with a whimsical cartoon and googled “It could be worse.”

I was in equal parts horrified and amused by what I found, and I couldn’t pick just one.

(I apologize ahead of time.)

So yeah. It could be worse.

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5 Replies to “It Could be Worse.”

  1. for the record, i have totally been the dude with his head in the urinal…when i was hit with a really bad stomach flu in college. sure it was the flu.

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