Graven Images

In what has to be one of the most ironic and hilarious natural disasters (disaster? maybe occurrence) ever, Big Butter Jesus, which has sparked one interesting conversation after another with our kids, has gone from this:

To this:

Photo from the Dayton Daily News.

Yes, it’s true. Big Butter Jesus is toast.

But don’t worry. They’re planning to resurrect him. And when they do, I can’t wait to see what comes next. My money’s on an earthquake.

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14 Replies to “Graven Images”

  1. We’re on the same page here literally!
    Isn’t it funny that since God controls the lightning?
    Great minds think alike, I blogged about it I’m sure most have done today!

    Great post!

    and yes, an Ohio Earthquake is in the offing!


    1. I distinctly remember having earthquake drills in elementary school.

      Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

  2. This catastrophe made me oddly sad. I’m not sure why. Maybe because it is an end of an era of sorts. I do hope they reconstruct Big Butter Jesus/Touchdown Jesus, or as my mom called it, “Football Jesus.” When people hear I’m from Ohio, they always ask, “Isn’t that where that big weird Jesus statue is?” I would hate to disappoint them and say, “no.”

  3. This morning, I saw this in our newspaper and I told my hubby that Big Butter Jesus burned. He didn’t get it….but I totally thought of you guys. I always loved hearing your thoughts and stories about it.

  4. I first learned of butter jesus from mommin’ it up, so immediately thought of you guys when I heard what happened… R.I.P. Butter Jesus….

  5. I never heard of him as Butter Jesus, I always knew him as Touchdown Jesus. I was surprised to hear this story when my husband shared it with me. I guess I never figured he was built of something that would burn – always figured it was some form of concrete.

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