BeeWell… and raise money for a great cause

Back in December, I wrote this post about how I was going to start the Couch to 5k program. The title was “I’m a little nervous about posting this.” I was nervous to tell all of you that I was going to do it, because I was afraid I wouldn’t.

And as it turns out, I didn’t.

Then, anyway. But I am doing it now! I’m in the fifth week of the nine week program, and I am loving it. Even though I procrastinate and try to put off getting on the treadmill, I really feel great after I run (or as Marcy calls it, trot) and I can really tell a difference in my endurance.

But I still need a kick in the pants now and then, so I was really excited when the folks from Bumble Bee Foods contacted Jenny and me to ask us to take part in their BeeWell Miles program (and they are also sponsoring this fine little post).

The BeeWell Miles program makes it easy to get active, one step at a time. The website has weekly blog posts from experts on nutrition and fitness, useful tools to track your activity and food choices, recipes, fun downloads, and message boards where you can find a community of people who have goals similar to yours.

And here’s the best part. For every mile logged on the BeeWell Miles website between now and October 31, Bumble Bee Foods will donate 15 cents to the Breast Cancer Network of Strength, a support network for women who can’t wait for tomorrow’s cure.

How’s that for motivation to get off your badonkadonk? (That’s Andrea’s favorite term, haha!)

I’ve decided to set a goal of logging 1,333 miles – which would raise $200 for the Breast Cancer Network of Strength. October 31 is 208 days away, so if my math is correct (and it’s entirely possible that it’s not), that means I’ll need to log an average of 6.4 miles a day. I’ll be wearing this handy little pedometer to help keep me on track:

So if blogging about doing the Couch to 5k program made me a little nervous, imagine how I’m feeling now! But the BeeWell Miles website has all the tools I’ll need to accomplish my goals.

I would love for you to join me! I encourage all of you to check out BeeWell Miles and to log your own miles…. you’ll enhance the lives of women fighting breast cancer, and your new active lifestyle will enhance your life as well. It’s a win-win.

So who’s with me?


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7 Replies to “BeeWell… and raise money for a great cause”

  1. That pedometer looks a little bulky for all those miles… and quite distracting. He’s awfully cute, though.

    I love this, and maybe it’s the kick in the butt I need. All for raising money.

  2. I like this a lot – do well by doing good. The cool thing about it, as you say, is that you can make a difference to others’ lives while making a difference for your own… a mile at a time. It’s amazing how the “power of small” can add up to big weightloss AND cash for charity!


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