I swear I have a reason for buying these

$1.65 at CVS

So, I pulled a muscle in my back on Friday and have spent almost the whoooole weekend in bed. About 5:30 tonight I decided I was feeling well enough to go to CVS.  Why?? I had a mission in mind!  You will find out WHY a pregnant woman would buy 4 boxes of tampons in Monday’s post.  I know you are just dying to know, so please check back for that. 🙂

The deal was, buy $20 of Schick or Playtex  products and get back 10 ECB.  This included razors, shave gel, and tampons but I was all about the tampons as you can see.  So here’s how it worked out.

4 boxes Playtex Sport $5.29 each =$21.16

used 4 $1/$1 peelie coupons on the boxes

total = $17.16

I paid with 17 ECB and paid 16 cents + $1.49 tax, so $1.65 total, and I got back 11 ECB, 10 for the tampons and one for using my CVS green bag tag the 4th time (you can 1 ECB every 4th time you use it.)

Not bad for some brand-name tampons that will go to a good cause (which again, you will find out about tomorrow!)

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