Back from Vacation; Must Shop!

I did manage to hit CVS while on vacation WOOT! – but with only dial-up internetz on my folks’ mountain, I didn’t post about it.  We got back last night so this morning the kids and I hit up Rite Aid and CVS to get some deals early in the week.  I was going through withdrawal!  Here’s what we got!

First, Rite Aid:


Four packs of Pilot Pens BOGO $3.79 – $7.58 (this is the ONLY kind of pen my husband will use, I was stoked to stock up!)
Schick Hydro shave gel $1.99
Garnier Shampoo/Conditioner 2 for $6
Rite Aid sleep aid $8.09 (10% off because of my wellness + discount)
Crest Sensitive Shield $2.69
Total = $26.35


-$5/$25 Rite Aid printable

-$1 Schick Hydro from Sunday’s Smart Source

-$.75 Crest from last week’s P&G

-$2 Two Garnier printables

-$2 Two Garnier Rite Aid video values coupons

– $8 in +UP rewards

=$7.60 + $1.42 tax = $9.02, which I paid on my Rite Aid gift card from previous rebates! WHAT UP!  And I got back 2 +UP rewards for the Garnier, will get $2 Single Check Rebate for the Pilot pens, and $2.69 for the Crest for a total of $6.69 back.  Not too shabby!

Next, I schlepped the children to CVS!


Schick Hydro Razor $8.97
Pull-Ups $9
Huggies Wipes $6
Total = $23.97
-$5 Schick Hydro from this Sunday’s Smart Source
-$ 2 Huggies wipes refill CVS CRT from coupon scanner
-$11 ECBs
total= $5.97 plus $1.68 tax = $7.65
the really SAD part is I had a $2 off pull-ups coupon but I left it on my dining room table!! NOOOOOOOO!!! SO depressing. But I got back 7 ECBs, so all in all, not a terrible deal. 3 ECBs were for the Huggies/Pull-Ups an 4 were for the Schick Razor (which incidentally, is for my VERY HAIRY BROTHER!)

So, that’s what I did this week thus far!  What did you buy??

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