My Chatterbox

Sammy’s 21 months old now, and within the last month or so he has started talking so much, and it’s so much fun. I love his little voice – it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. His voice has so much inflection – when he sees me walk into a room, he’ll say “Hellllllo, MaMA!” I can’t really do it justice in written form, but it is cute – take my word for it!

He loves everything sports, and gets SO excited when he sees a game on tv. He can identify baseball, basketball, football (he’s always saying “Touchdown BUCKEYES!”), the St. Louis Cardinals and Albert Pujols (those of you who know my husband will not be surprised by that, I’m sure) and he’s always telling us he wants to watch a “ballgame with Dada.” Last Friday, Sammy knew we were going to the high school basketball game that night and he wanted to be prepared – he picked out his Cardinals outfit and Reds hat and insisted on wearing them all day.

He also loves his sister. For the longest time, he couldn’t say Kate, so he called her Sissy (which made me cringe, I must admit), but now he refers to her as “Tate.” He’s always asking us “Where Tate go?” when he can’t see her. Although it’s more like “Where Tate doh?” because for whatever reason his “g” sounds like “d.” Which reminds me of my favorite of his expressions – “Let’s DOH!”

Last night, he was saying goodnight to Daddy before I put him to bed. Andy told Sam he loved him, and Sammy replied “Love you Dada.” It was the first time he’d said that and it just about made me cry! He is such a sweet little boy.

I love being able to have conversations with him, and it’s so nice for him to be able to tell us what he wants or needs.

I love that little voice, and I love that little boy.
sammy reds hat

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6 Replies to “My Chatterbox”

  1. sammy is so freakin’ cute…i have actually heard him say “hello mama” while talking on the phone to emily and it is just as adorable as she says it is. 😀

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