Interview with Teen Mom’s Chelsea Houska

A couple years ago, I wrote a post about a TV show I had seen called “16 & Pregnant.” I’ve been a regular viewer since then, and I’ve also faithfully watched the spin off, “Teen Mom.” Several weeks ago, I got a PR pitch that caught my eye – an opportunity to interview one of the teenage mothers, Chelsea Houska, whom I highlighted in my original post. The show gets very mixed reviews – some people think it shows teen pregnancy for the difficult thing it is, others think having a show about it glamorizes the subject. I was curious to hear the opinions of someone actually on the show, so I set up an interview with Chelsea.

The first thing I asked Chelsea was regarding that same subject – critics of the show. Her response echoed how I feel about it – she feels the show depicts teen parenting how it really is, and doesn’t make it look easy or glamorous at all. Like Chelsea pointed out, those girls spend a lot of time crying. We’ve also seen how Chelsea struggled with balancing school and being a mom, and we’ve seen her grow up a lot. Chelsea’s situation is better than many girls on the show, in that she is very close to her parents and they are a wonderful support system for her. Even still, though, it’s tough and her life has changed dramatically since becoming a mom.

I was also curious about the impact the show has had on Chelsea’s daughter, Aubree, who is about to turn three. Chelsea says Aubree loves talking to people and likes the attention. It’s going to be weird, for sure, when Aubree gets older and sees the footage, though. Much like how when my kids get older, they are going to read this blog and think I am a complete nutcase. But I guess we’ll both cross that bridge when we come to it. I asked Chelsea how she would feel if Aubree wanted to be on a reality show one day, and she said she’d be supportive, although she would warn Aubree that there’s a lot of criticism that comes with it.

If she had the chance to do it all over again, Chelsea says she would definitely still have done the show and that overall it’s been a great experience. I guess I was a little surprised to hear that (although Chelsea’s story has not been a train wreck like certain other reality stars who may or may not have eight kids), but I was really glad to hear that it hasn’t been detrimental to her life. Because if it was, I’d feel like I had to stop watching, and that would be very sad.

Chelsea’s a smart girl with a wonderful family, and I’m sure she and Aubree will flourish in the future. I enjoyed talking with her, and it was great to get an inside view of Teen Mom.

What are your thoughts on shows like this? Do you watch them? Would you let your kids watch the show, if they were at an appropriate age? Do you think the shows warn against teen pregnancy or glamorize it?

P.S. In case you were wondering (and I certainly was), Chelsea reports that she and Adam aren’t together and haven’t been in a while. Hallelujah.

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2 Replies to “Interview with Teen Mom’s Chelsea Houska”

  1. Well I’ve never seen Teen Mom, so I can’t comment on the show. But I have a friend who had a situation similar to Chelsea’s, with a very good family support system. She finished high school and then got her Bachelor’s in nursing and became an R.N. She waited a l-o-n-g time to find the right guy and got married when she was 28 and her son was 11. Now she’s got three other kids as well, and her son just wrote an essay for high school and how proud he was of his mom and how being a teen mom is not that easy or glamorous. And dang if it didn’t make me bawl like a baby! She did a great job putting her kid first and I hope that’s what the people on the show can demonstrate to viewers who are in their situation.

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