Poop, Thy Name is Glorious!

Every day my silly son does something to make me crack up. Usually I try to make a mental note to share these anecdotes with my husband when he gets home from work. Every Sunday night I attend a Bible Study, and when I get home Bobby invariably has an anecdote or two about our hooligans of his own to share with me. This past Sunday, the subject was, unsurprisingly, Joshua and his poop.

Joshua had to take a poop, and as usual, he wanted an audience, so Bobby stayed in the restroom with him, and the product of Joshua’s bowels prompted the following conversation:

Joshua’s poops: Plop, Plop!

Joshua: Did you hear that?

Bobby: I sure did. Are you all done?

Joshua: Yeah. (He gets off the potty.) Daddy, I want to show you how glorious my poops are!

Bobby: WHAT??

Joshua: My poops! Look how glorious they are!

Bobby: WHAT???

Bobby then tries to get Joshua to tell him where he learned the word glorious. (We don’t exactly use it in every day conversation!) But he couldn’t get a straight answer. After Bobby recounted the tale of the Glorious Poops, I also tried to get Joshua to tell me where he’d learned such a grandiose adjective. Here’s what I got:

Me: Joshua, where did you learn the word glorious?

Joshua: My poops!

Me: Daddy told me your poops were glorious, but where did you hear that word?

Joshua: MY POOPS!


Joshua: I don’t KNOW!

That’s all I got. So we still don’t know…but according to Bobby, it was an accurate description of the poops in question! So maybe it just popped into his little noggin spontaneously. He pooped for me the next day and it must’ve been ho-hum cause it didn’t even get a “Look Mommy!” Ah well, a Poop by any other name just doesn’t smell as sweet.

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7 Replies to “Poop, Thy Name is Glorious!”

  1. I am not sure I want to know the qualifications of what, in fact, makes a poop glorious. But knowing Joshua, I am sure he has his own reasons.

  2. So funny. Over the years, my daughter has come up with surprising words and thoughts. In the past I would try to find out where they came from, but all I could get was “I said it” when I asked her who she had heard it from. Nowadays I don’t even bother to ask.

  3. All I can say is that I am glad that you didn’t accidently combine the last two blogs. Cause your bbf is my bff (and my w.i.f.e.) and I do not think I could ever look at her the same way again if you had a “glorious” story to tell about her…..
    p.s. Joshua is such a guy….and brilliant.

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