
A few nights ago, Jonah awoke in the middle of the night screaming bloody murder.  And since he sleeps in  a bassinet 3 inches from my bed and about 12 inches from my ears, it scared the crap out of me.  I bolted up right to a sitting position, and something happened.

Something unpleasant occurred in the right side of the general area that got cut open three weeks ago.  And since that night (it was Thursday, I think) – my pain, which had been well under control with just Motrin, has gotten worse and worse.  Tonight it is back up to what I felt like the night I got home from the hospital – NOT GOOD!  So I made an appointment with my doc for 8:15 Tuesday morning (which is the time most of you will be reading this) to see if a) I am dying and b) if not, can she do anything to FIX ME or at least give me some more yummy pain meds.  Because I am in bad shape.  Hobbling around and so much more.

But of course, tonight as I write this, we are under a winter weather advisory.  We are supposed to get DUMPED ON tonight.  Which means I will have to drive my jacked-up self and my infant to my doctor’s office in a blizzard, OR – continue to suffer and not be able to function.  I’ve already got my mom coming over to take Sophie to school, but I am sure what will happen is this:

1) My dad, a teacher, will have school canceled and will bring my mom in their 4-wheel drive vehicle.

2) My big kids will not have school and my parents will end up staying with them while I go to the doctor.

3) The drive to the doctor’s will be horrifying.

4) I will kill myself getting the baby seat out of the car and/or fall on my butt on the snow and hurt myself even worse.

Or not.  None of the above could occur.  But I tell you what, I HAVE to get to that appointment tomorrow!  I am in a bad, bad way and I just can’t be in this place with three needy kiddos to take care of.

Plus, I have like zero pain tolerance.  I’m not exactly stoic. And this freaking HURTS.

So wish me clear roads and pain medication, people!  I need ’em both!

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11 Replies to “Ouch.”

  1. Oh how great Mommyhood treats us! You have no idea how much I love your stories, they really make me laugh. It is nice to know that I’m not the only Mom stressed out and overworked! I certainly hope your “ouch” gets better. By the way, your title doesn’t give your story any justice. Have a great day!

  2. See what borrowing trouble gets you – it wasn’t even snowing at 8:00 when I had to have James at XC for his band chapel!

  3. I had a CSection with our last one and I moved wrong one night as well. I felt it for about a week. Good luck getting more of those yummy pain pills. It is been 8.5 months since the baby was born and those nerve endings are still making connections.

  4. I hope your appointment went well! I live just west of Columbus and we got less snow than we were supposed to but will get another 1-2 inches tonight. Hopefully your amount was lighter, too!

  5. I didn’t read your post till Wednesday night because Tuesday morning I was busy getting married to my man of 5 years! Yes, we picked the coldest day of the year in Houston to get married so I really couldn’t show off my pretty new dress 🙁 Either way, we’re finally married now with an easy to remember wedding date and that’s the important thing (1/11/11 at 11:11am)

    I hope everything went ok. I would’ve suggested that if your dad came by with the 4×4 to ask your mom to watch all the kids while your dad drove you, but it’s too late for that and there’s no telling if your doc was even open that day. I hope it all went well and here’s to lots of yummy pain meds for you!

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