Hate-Hate Relationship

Today is the opposite of Things I Love Thursday – I’m going to write about something I hate.


I seriously, extremely hate running. It’s hard for me, it doesn’t come naturally for me – I hate it.

Yet, every few months, I get the bright idea that I need to start doing it again.

I’ve started and quit before reaching my goals. A number of times. I’ve started and reached my goals – and then completely quit.

I’ve never really stuck with it. You know why? Because I HATE RUNNING.

But here I am again, five weeks into the Couch to 5k program. I still hate running, but I’ve come to the conclusion that A) I like what it does for my body and B) it makes me slightly less bitchy, so it’s probably best for everyone involved if I suck it up and stick with the program.

Here we go.


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10 Replies to “Hate-Hate Relationship”

  1. Someone has to chase me to get me to run, so I know the hate feeling! Keep at it, maybe you’ll inspire me.

  2. Part of me really wants to be a runner. But the rest of me hates it. Plus, I have bad knees so I use that as my excuse not to do it. 😉 Good for you though- that’s awesome that you are sticking with it. 🙂

  3. cousin, one of the few things we agree on is that running is the DEVIL and yet you continue to participate in this heinous activity!! C’mon, in the name of cousin unity, give that crap up!

  4. When I get cleared to run next week from my 6 week pp checkup, I can’t WAIT to start up again! Mostly because I want to get rid of these pesky 5 lbs 😉 Hubby is taking me to Runners Plus this weekend to get some new running shoes…I’m hoping that will motivate me!

  5. awe, that’s sad to hear. I love running 🙂 My birthday present to myself this year is running a 5k, lol. Try looking at it different. Maybe it’s the area you’re running? My fave part of running is the scenery. It’s so freeing to just be outside, running by so many beautiful things. The best part, is at most I can only take one kid with me in the jogging stroller, so I get some peace and quiet, hahaha.

  6. I just started about 5 weeks ago and I am hooked. I feel better. I feel like I actually accomplish SOMETHING completely in my day. Not sure it will be a life time thing but for now its all good. Gonna try the turkey trot in the fall 😉

  7. Hate, hate, HATE it and have been trying for years to like it. But I completed c25k and ran one with my hubby. My hubby discovered after never running before that he loves it! And I am so proud of him I will run a few more with him. Cause that is what you do for the man you love…..apparently.

  8. You’re going to learn to love it. I said “I hate running” up until about 2 months ago (I’ve been running on and off for 5 years, but regularly for only about a year) when I just had to admit it–I don’t hate it. I actually kind of like it. It was hard to admit it to myself, because “I hate running but I do it anyway” was kind of my thing, but now I realize it’s okay to like it. 🙂

  9. I think you need a new route…you should really head out Little Twin and take that out to Manning Rd and back…it’s beautiful, peaceful, quiet and it’s just a good run period! It was always my favorite route when we did our long runs on Saturday’s! Keep it up, I didn’t like it at first and now I’m upset that it might get taken away from me if this tail bone doesn’t heal properly!

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