
The mystery of what’s going on with Kate continues.

We met with a specialist at Cincinnati Children’s this morning, and while we aren’t 100% sure what she has, it looks like she has eosinophilic GI disease. Basically, that means that her body is producing too many of a certain type of white blood cell, which is then causing inflammation in her digestive tract.

But, it might not be that. It might be a parasitic infection, or the beginning of something else. We’re not sure yet.

Kate was hoping to walk away from today’s appointment with a clear diagnosis and directions for what to do or not do, and to be done with it. That’s not what happened, though, and she’s a little discouraged.

I am trying to stay away from the Google.

I feel good that we’re on the right track, and I feel incredibly fortunate that we are close to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, which is THE best place to be treated for these things. So there are definitely positives… I just wish none of this was happening at all.

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3 Replies to “Eosino-what-o?”

  1. Seriously, so NOT fun getting to the bottom of a mystery like this. 🙁 But I am super-glad that we do have the experts nearby.

  2. I missed the previous post it seems…or just forgot. I’m so glad you posted though. My 2 year old is doing the same thing. Random bouts of vomit, and then just fine. Plus other digestive things. Sometimes he just chews his food and then spits it out without swallowing…for like a couple days at a time. I’m so frustrated, but we don’t have insurance for me to get it figured out yet 🙁 I’ll be watching, and hopefully you’ll have a diagnosis soon.

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