Weekly Winners September 20-27

Hosted By Sarcastic Mom

All my photos were taken with my Sony Alpha DSLR-300k. Which I LOVE!

Ok, friends, I have way too many pictures this week. I just couldn’t narrow it down! So just bear with me and keep on scrollin’ down the page!

First, from a family fun gathering at my mom & dad’s house:

My niece Murrin with Sophie. She was drawing letters for Sophie to name (one of Sophie’s favorite past times).

girl cousins

Sophie was beyond excited watching Murrin chase Joshua around:

exuberant Soph

I caught a praying mantis trying to have some quiet time in one of my dad’s shrubs:

praying mantis

The main event for us this week was Joshua’s VERY FIRST FIELD TRIP! We went with our homeschool co-op to Brumbaugh’s Fruit Farm and it was a great experience! I highly recommend it!


fallen fruit

The playground was surrounded by apple trees:


They also had a structure full of corn for the kids to play in!

joshua in the corn

And a little barn full of hay!

hay day

After learning about bees and apples and cider, we took a hay ride out to the pumpkin patch!


Here’s our whole group fanning out in search of the perfect pumpkin:

waves in the pumpkin patch

Most of them were covered with these bugs. Yuck!

pumpkin bugs

Some of them had seen better days.

seen better days

But eventually everyone found their perfect pumpkin:

perfect pumpkin

Then we headed back to the play area for more fun! They had tons of activities. Joshua loved these little bikes.

proceed with caution

Thanks for hanging in there with me! We had a great week. For more favorite photos, go see the Weekly Winners HQ at Sarcastic Mom!

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11 Replies to “Weekly Winners September 20-27”

  1. Love the first one of the girls. The fruit farm looks like so much fun! Lovely!

    I’m jealous that you guys need to dress warmly now too, okay, I just have to say that…

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