Wii may be a Little Out of Shape


For those of you who haven’t heard, Santa brought a Wii and a Wii Fit Plus to my house for Christmas! Actually, it was the Thrifty Mama – I won her giveaway and I was BEYOND thrilled!! Joshua was super-excited when he opened it.

The first game I was excited to play was bowling. I loooooove bowling but I am TERRIBLE at it. So I was pretty sure Wii bowling was going to be my redemption.

It is SO much fun!! I LOVED it just like I knew I would.

But perhaps I put a little too much enthusiasm into it, because, after the first two games, my left hip and my right shoulder were KILLING me. Old lady alert! Soon, we were off to my grandma’s house and we left the Wii behind. But late that night when we returned home we fired it up for some more bowling fun.

The first time I “threw” the ball, I screamed in pain. Holy Shoulder Batman! Why didn’t someone tell me I needed to STRETCH first!? Fake bowling is SERIOUS stuff!

Over the weekend I played approximately 478 games of Wii bowling. I am getting pretty good, (though not as good as my five-year-old, who bowled a TURKEY and beat me by 30 points last night!!) but last night when I went to bed both my shoulders were KILLING me. The last game Bobby and I played before bed, I played SITTING DOWN on the floor to make myself use less force when I threw. My right shoulder was BURNING! I need some Ben Gay! And some GERITOL!

Needless to say, I am hopelessly out of shape. It is time to fire up that Wii Fit Plus! I gotta get buff so my body can support my Wii bowling habit!

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13 Replies to “Wii may be a Little Out of Shape”

  1. We also got a Wii for Christmas. We’re also really sore from playing it. Even the kids are complaining they are sore. And that’s just with Wii Sports, we aren’t getting Wii Fit until this weekend probably.

    “Fake bowling is SERIOUS stuff!” Soooo true!! Who knew? lol

  2. This cracks me up because Saturday night we went to a friend’s house and I played the wii for the first time ever. I played bowling and boxing. Yesterday I went to reach for something and could feel the pain and was joking about it, BUT this morning my shoulders are killing me. I thought my back was out, and my husband tried to crack it, but started making fun when he realized it was the wii. We’re getting a wii on Tuesday from some friends for Christmas, I can’t wait!

  3. We got a Wii last Christmas and I too suffered great pain, lol 🙂 We’re wanting to get the Wii Active or Fit once our Walmart gets them back in stock.

  4. Ok, head to the gym now (or wii it at home) don’t waith too late to start…once you hit 40, which I barely remember, it’s a “tad” harder to stay in shape…but I try.

    Santa did not bring me the Boflex AGAIN this year, I suppose I’ll just have to stay at the GYM!

  5. I love the Wii, but unfortunately along with playing it comes what I call the Wii *ss. Yep, I get Wii *ss. Sometimes it is so bad that I have to hold onto something to just be able to sit down on the toilet. lol Bowling is a bad one to bring on the Wii *ss. Tennis kills my shoulder and boy, my DD got the Mario and Sonic Winter Olympics and I love to watch curling on the Olympics so I decided I would play some of that. Wow, I think I needed a splint for my wrist now. Before you know it, health insurance is going to stop paying for claims caused by playing the Wii. LMAO Enjoy!

  6. Holy smokes thats some serious playing!!! your going to have some buff sholders!!!! Santa also broughta Wii and a Wii flit plus, and it had the nerve to tell me I was old and fat! never mind the fact that it saw’s “OHHH” as I step on it so I feel like I am hurting it…
    I am suffering only cuz I am so way out of shape it crazy!

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