Thoughts of an Anxious Insomniac

Last night I went to bed at 10:30 and I was so exhausted that I actually felt nauseous – maybe this is from my latest adventures in hormone therapy, maybe I was just super-tired. In any case, I took a Tylenol PM to go with my pre-bed Prozac ’cause I hadn’t slept well the past two nights and I really wanted to SLEEEEEEP.

But of course I had trouble falling asleep, despite my exhaustion. I’ve been having a little trouble with anxiety the past couple of days. It hasn’t been crippling, but it has been uncomfortable, and it’s come with a tightness in my chest – a physical symptom that is really getting on mah NERVES.

So I was feeling that, and then I started to get hungry. You see, another thing with this hormone-dealio is lack of appetite. Now it’d be nice if this symptom helped me to lose a few pounds, but unfortunately my appetite for Mountain Dew is still fully intact. Except yesterday, I was REALLY off, because I didn’t even have any Dew! What I ingested yesterday was a glass of chocolate milk, two cups of chocolate pudding (one for lunch, one for dinner, mmmm) and a cafe mocha. (Are you sensing a chocolate theme?)

In any case, as the clock crawled toward 11:00 last night, my appetite returned. But I was too tired to get up and do anything about it. I just wanted to sleep. But I was so ravenous I about started to nibble on my own hand.

I managed, after a few minutes, to ignore the hunger but I still couldn’t sleep. My exhausted mind began to hatch a plan to reach sleep. Here’s what I would do: I’d get up, rummage through my closet to find my sadly-neglected tennis shoes, put them on, and go for a run. Now perhaps you may remember from reading this blog that I abhor exercise. And when Emily talks about running it about gives me hives. I can’t run a BLOCK, people, but after 11 last night this seemed like a good idea. I’d lace up my sneaks, and I’d run in my pajamas. I knew I wouldn’t make it far but maybe five or six blocks would be enough to tire me out. I pictured myself running as fast as I could over the bumpy, uneven city sidewalk, maybe down to the convenience store I call Apu’s and then back again, my chest bursting as I returned home – surely then I could gulp down some water, take off my sneakers, and fall into bed and sleep would immediately overtake me.

What a great plan!

Riiiiight. Like I was gonna do that. But so desperate for sleep was I, that it did seem semi-rational.

Imagining my run must’ve tired me out some, because it wasn’t too much longer after that mental exercise that I DID fall asleep. The Tylenol PM seemed to work it’s magic and I actually slept pretty well. Joshua actually stayed in his own bed all night for once and didn’t wake me up until ten til eight this morning.

After I shook the sleep off this morning I giggled remembering my nocturnal thoughts. I have got to be the most neurotic person on the planet!

Me? Go for a RUN? No matter what time of day or night, THAT is crazy-talk. Or crazy-thinking as the case may be. But seriously. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

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10 Replies to “Thoughts of an Anxious Insomniac”

  1. I had the same trouble with insomnia when I first started my prozac…of course I have borderline sleep “issues” anyway.

    Also, so with you on the running thing, I could walk 15 miles but move up to a jog and I’m done in two friggin blocks. I forget to breath.

  2. I was up ’til about 3 last night. I took my Tylonol 3 around 1, got in bed, read a couple of chapters, said my prayers, snuggled down, and …nothing. I had to get up too. I counted and organized my inventory. Funny, I was thniking that if I went to your house in the evenings and played about 30min of tag with Joshua, I would crash hard evry night.
    I’m embarrased to say I slept ’til 10am. I think I just have my days and nights mixed up.

  3. Hi Jenny. I too struggle with anxiety issues. My doctor suggested taking Lexapro. I take 1/2 of a 10 ml tablet every day. For me, it has been a lifesaver. I haven’t had any anxious feelings for over a year. It also did not make me gain any weight. I’ve read several of your entries and can’t help but see myself the way I was a year ago. I also sleep through the night as well. I just wanted to let you know in case your current medicine doesn’t work for you. You are going to feel better soon. I’m praying for you. Thanks for all your posts. I really enjoy them.

  4. I have to say, I have been right where you are, girl. I really hope it gets better for you soon.

    BTW… strangest thing… I had a Dew yesterday and thought of you.

    Does that make me a stalker?!

    Cause I’m not. Might be a crazy fan, though. Ha!

  5. I think we’d have seen that run show up on YouTube or at least our Dayton News affiliates.

    Seriously, tho, exercise will help with the insommnia to an extent. I suffer, too, but less when I’m just whupped from running.


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