Again with the Hormones

So I hope you are not tired of hearing about my hormones yet. I mean, I’ve given you all a good break since this post so you should be rested and refreshed and ready to ride another roller coaster with me, right???


Ok then! So, I have an appointment with my OB-GYN on Thursday and I have never been so excited to go see her in my life because I am not feeling really swell these days. For funzies, I decided to take an online test and see if I might have a hormone imbalance. Let’s just say I score pretty HIGH. In each category if you checked 2 or more symptoms, you might have that disorder. In one of the categories I checked SEVEN boxes and in another I checked FOUR. A third type of disorder was listed as “a combination” of the two I had checked so many boxes in.

I accidentally tweeted my list of symptoms last night (oopsie!) when I was working on this, hey sometimes things get copied & pasted into the wrong box. IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE! Who is writing a post at 11:00 PM! GEEZ! So, anyways, I might as well share them with you, my loyal and caring readers, since I already shared them with the entire twitterverse.

Memory problems! (my brain is swiss cheese)
Cyclical Headaches! (now with staying power!)
Mood Swings!
Anxious Depression!
Foggy thinking! (love an excuse for this)
And just so I have some ugly to go with the crazy

So basically I think I am really screwed up. Hence the doc appointment on Thursday. Where I am fairly certain, there is going to have to be about 1,000 different kinds of things prescribed to me to make me feel better, but I don’t care, because I JUST. WANT. TO. FEEL. BETTER.

Buckle your seat belts and stay tuned, because I am sure I will not be able to stop myself from giving you every cringe-worthy detail. I hope this hormonecoaster ride is almost over, and I hope you’ll hang with me as I see it through.

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12 Replies to “Again with the Hormones”

  1. Hope she finds something easily corrected that will make you feel much, much better – very quickly!

  2. i am right there with you. i am giving my new medicine another week to prove it’s self….i am not sure if the side effects are worst than the original problem…. love you and i will be praying for you

  3. Good for you for recognizing that it may not all be “in your head”. Good luck at the doctor’s, I hope she/he can find something that works for you.

  4. I’m sad for you Jenny and I wish I had some wonderful insight, but alas I do not. I hope the appointment goes well and you get well and hugs and kisses and do you want me to make you a tuna noodle casserole?

    ‘Cause food poisoning is the number one way to forget about all the other ailments you might be facing, doncha think?

  5. You just described me….I keep blaming stress, but that can’t cover it all!! I’ll be curious to see what you hear, then maybe I can fix myself!!

  6. Well, there’s good and bad with this. The GYN may tell you you have a hormonal imbalance of some sorts. But, you may get that gold standard reassurance to make your day, right? Let’s look at the positives!!

  7. I had all those symptoms when I was diagnosed with my thryoid problem… And it was the suck. I went into that doctor’s office and said, “PLEASE tell me there is something wrong with me.” I was in tears within minutes explaining how i just didn’t feel like ME anymore – and sure enough, a blood test showed my thyroid was out of whack. WHAT A RELIEF. A daily pill and I’m feelin’ so much better….

  8. I’m right there with you, my friend. So far the pills I have are making me feel better… but still not ALL the way better. I have an appointment on the 24th… hopefully then I can figure out what the next step is since the pills havce been a “band aid” to fix me for the last few months.

  9. Let us know what you find out!

    I have pretty much self-diagnosed myself with seasonal depressionn. (yeah because I IZ A DOCTOR) I get in a funk every year between Christmas and right about now and hey this snow flurry stuff we had earlier this week didn’t help.

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