A Little Less Crazy, A Lot More Bald

If you’re not still to scared from the unbridled anger Emily released a few days ago in her rant about birth control pills, allow me to add a wee update about my journey with these things.

As you may remember, I started taking them a year ago, hoping to balance out my super-crazy hormones, which were causing headaches, acne, and (in my opinion) sleeping problems.

They cured my acne but they made me batsh** crazy and depressed. So I tried another kind, and another kind, and then anti-depressants on top of that. Then another kind of anti-depressant after a few months. I had a sleep study which came back negative, increasing my suspicions that hormones are at the root of my sleeping problems.

Because my sleeping problems are the main issue at this point, I asked my doctor last month if she could test them. She said I would have to be off the birth control pill for at least 30 days before she could do that. So I stopped taking it. My next appointment is near the end of April and I wanted to make sure my hormones were good and natural by then.

And I feel about 90% less crazy. Even with the anti-depressant, I was having very low moods before my period, and times of anxiety. And this month, I have had none of that!! I am still taking the anti-depressant, but it is amazing how different I feel now that I have stopped taking the pill. A couple more months of this, and I may be able to stop taking my A-D.

(Of course if my giant ZITS come back, I may get depressed all over again.)

Also, since I stopped taking the pill, my hair is falling out like CRAZY, just like it did for a few months after I gave birth. Fortunately, I have tons of hair, so I am not too worried about it (I wish the gray ones would fall out! Or some of my excess eyebrow!) but I find that to be rather odd and just another sign that hormones are FRAPPING WEIRD and they do CRAZY things to us lady people. (Check back with me in a month. If the hair loss speeds up and my zits come back, I am gonna be really fugly, and really depressed!! Nothing cuter than a bald, acne-covered 32-year-old woman.)

So, I am a little less crazy, which feels awesome. And a lot more bald, which at this point, is still ok. And also, a little bit more hopeful that one day I’ll be back to me.

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10 Replies to “A Little Less Crazy, A Lot More Bald”

  1. I left a comment on Emily’s post about me going to the Essure procedure in October. So now I finally had my confirmation tests and am birth control free for two weeks and just posted on my FB that I didn’t know BC pills helped me sleep, LOL! I must be suffering from withdrawals! Anyway, like you my hair has been falling out like crazy, but it was prior to going off the pill, I think its due to the Pristiq- my A/D, but like you thankfully I have a lot to lose. I do feel less moody, but of course I haven’t taken a jury poll (the family). Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hormones (pregnancy + artificial) had a weird effect on my hair, too.

    I get some of the hair loss postpregnancy as well but the biggest part was hair color. My naturally blonde hair always grew in darker post-pregnancy and the pill kinda had that effect as well.

    And then there was the flutters of anxiety — ugh. Had that, too. Never again. 😉

    Glad you’re feeling better.

  3. I tolerated birth control okay in my 20s but in my 30’s it made me nuts. I was quite glad to give it up. Good luck! (Just think – you could do a series of wig reviews for Blissdom! Kidding…it will even out.)

  4. I am so glad you’re feeling less crazy! And man, I am so darned lucky with birth control. I’ve had several friends struggle with the crazy hormones, but I’ve lucked out with mine. (The pill, not the hormones. Because sometimes those are still crazy out of whack.)

  5. About the last year, I feel crazy the week before my period and I’m not on birth control. I get so angry so fast and then cry so easily.

    I asked my doctor about it she just said welcome to your 30’s and to exercise more. But, lately it has been so bad. I would like to get my hormones or something checked too.

  6. Try natural family planning, it’s not as hard as it sounds… And you get the added benefit of finding out all about the way your body works.

  7. I took Ortho for 6 years in my late teens and early 20s. Never had any problems with it. Then I came off. And went a little whack-o. After our second baby, I wanted to go back on, but was too afraid of all the craziness that might happen, so haven’t.

  8. May I just say that I’m glad a medical reason kept me from taking birth control pills. I’m glad you are less crazy, and hoping your zits don’t come back. I’m 43 and just got over having zits, so I know how badly that sucks!

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