Post-Vacation Reality

Last night my family returned from a week-long vacation to my parent’s place in Virginia.  Actually Bobby and I were there for a few days BY OURSELVES (!) to celebrate our 10th anniversary.  We had a woooonderful time, there was much sleeping in and laziness and going out to eat.  And then, my sainted parents, who had been taking care of our kids at our house, drove them 7 hours to Virginia where we spent the rest of the week en famille, along with my brother Andy and his four kiddos.  It was SUPER-fun!  Pictures to follow soon!

This morning I think we are all definitely suffering post-vacation let-down.  (Although I did have an emotional reunion with my kitchen floor in which I lovingly caressed it with a broom. Or, as some people would say, I swept it.)  Joshua misses his cousins, (he goes back to school tomorrow, at least he’ll see his friends!) we all miss Bobby who had to go back to work today (and woke up sick, of course), and of course there is no milk in the house!  Also, the weather was perfect both in Ohio and Virginia last week, and today, it is GRAY outside.

And, my living room floor is covered in luggage!  Oy.

Still, I must say, I was so thankful to sleep in my own bed last night!  I missed it.

Now I’ve just gotta get my butt off the couch and commence getting back in the swing of things!

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