
Last week, Jenny had her wisdom teeth removed, and shockingly, she wouldn’t share pictures of her self-described chipmunk cheeks. (Although she did update us every hour on the hour with the State of Her Face Address).

Knowing the world might not survive without Jenny’s famous selfies, our dear friend Andrea decided to enlist some of our friends to show support for Jenny in her time of need – and to make sure Facebook wasn’t selfie-less for 48 hours.

Andrea’s request? Well, she said it best herself in her emergency group facebook message.

I’m coming to you with a very serious request. For the love of God, do not leave this group message or mute it!

For the past 2 days, Jenny Rapson has been unable to provide us with our daily (sometimes several times a day) selfie. It’s as if the internets feel the disruption and are crying out because the selfies are missing one 30-something adult. WE CANNOT LET THE TEENAGERS SENSE THIS IS HAPPENING! Luckily, they have all been tweeting about their long weekends to notice.


While many bloggers are out there raising money for starving kids, building wells, dental hygiene, sex trafficking, real food (and other noble causes), this cannot go unnoticed.

Here is what I’m asking you to do.

Please take a selfie today (Friday) and use the hashtag #JRapFriends and #JRapSelfie. Either leave on IG or send to Facebook. We need a balance in the selfie interwebz if only for today until Jenny is back well enough to give us our daily dose of her selfies we all love!

Do this for the children.

Being the kind, caring group that they are, the selfies came pouring in.

Tess, Cortney, Shannon, Celia, Karla, Cherie, Jill, Andrea , Katie, Becky, Andrea, Erin, Shannan and Krista all answered the call of duty.

It kept me entertained all day long. Seriously, I laughed out loud at an inappropriate time in a meeting when I saw Jill’s PERFECT Jenny imitation.

But, not to worry, folks. Jenny was back to her self(ie)-admiration in no time.

"Here goes the spelling bee girl!" (and her mom who has missed admiring her face!)
“Here goes the spelling bee girl!” (and her mom who has missed admiring her face!)

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