Let’s pretend this never happened. Tomorrow.

Because tonight is going to be a classic.

Jenny and I have been waiting on tenterhooks for MONTHS – Jenny Lawson aka The Bloggess is going to be at our favorite Dayton-area bookstore, Books & Co., for a book signing.


We are pretty much beside ourselves with excitement.

As you may remember, The Bloggess and I go WAY back – we had our picture taken together at the Mom 2.0 Summit last May.

Only she didn’t know it was happening.


I told you tonight was going to be a classic.

It’s also bound to be the BEST NIGHT OF JENNY’S LIFE. (My Jenny, not Jenny the Bloggess. Although it’ll probably rank right up there for her too.) Why will this be the best night of Jenny’s life, you ask? Because if you haven’t noticed, the girl LOVES to embarrass me, and tonight will provide a prime opportunity for that. And really, thanks to the massive amount of vomit she’s been cleaning up for the last couple of months, she doesn’t have a lot to compare this to. I think she’s forgotten what it’s like to have a night out – especially one that involves me and Andrea. So as long as I can detach the Lysol can and up-chuck bucket from her hands, it is going to be the best night ever.

In the meantime, if you haven’t read “Let’s Pretend this Never Happened,” DO IT. Unless you are (my) Jenny’s mom (and probably Jenny Lawson’s mom too). In which case, DO NOT DO IT. m’kay?

Can you tell I’m a bit geeked out about this???

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4 Replies to “Let’s pretend this never happened. Tomorrow.”

  1. I am reading the book RIGHT NOW at airport. I am disappointed: 1) Because I won’t be there to blog about bloggers who embarass us all in front of a blogger. 2) Because you ruined the ending of the book. Now I know she doesn’t die at the end.

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