Does this Pin make me look stupid?

I love Pinterest. Really, I do. I even love the things on my “Things I am Never Going to Do” board. But there is little that annoys me more than the “inspirational” quote nonsense that has just about taken over the site. The only thing they inspire me to do is punch my computer screen in the neck.

The worst offenders? The people who spend a lot of time and effort and positive thoughts on creating Pins that have a lovely (barf) sentiment but poor grammar.

I certainly hope that person has lost his fear of being wrong. Or perhaps he “loost” it.

Let’s actually begin by understanding the concept of a contraction. If it used to be two words, it requires an apostrophe. Now that you’ve got that one down, feel free to go on and let go.

You got it right the first time, lady! If you’re using the same word in the same capacity, it should be spelled the same way both times.

Um, wow. It’s like they didn’t really have room for the apostrophe but they couldn’t bear to leave it out.

I have no words for this one. Well wait, yes I do. Does “Go’s” even LOOK right? That’s not a WORD. And now it’s on your rib cage forever.

Just remember, people:

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6 Replies to “Does this Pin make me look stupid?”

  1. My professor had TWO POWERPOINT SLIDES spelling lose as “loose” last night. I wanted to correct him, but then I figured he’d probably hate me even more than he already does.

  2. I once typed “loose” when I meant “lose” and got 47 emails about on the topic.

    Seems today you are channeling Hazel Baker!

    Great post.


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