Leap Day Celebration Ideas

Leap Day is coming up this week!  I’ve never celebrated it with my kiddos before, but now the older two are old enough that I think we can have some fun and learn a little bit about WHY we have Leap Day and Leap Year.

So…next Wednesday, I am going to DIG DEEP, put on my “fun mom” costume (because yo, it is a COSTUME), and do some fun activities with the kids!  Here are some I’m thinking of:

  • “Leap” games inolving jumping – like a race where we have to do different kinds of jumps – long leaps, bunny hops, jumping on one leg, etc.  Since we’ve been having a mild winter, I am hoping it will be warm enough to do outside and do this.
  • Leap play date so we can play a musical-chairs type game where we leap from lily pad to lily pad!  Each child cuts out & decorates their lily pads and then we will stick them to the floor, turn on some music, and get leaping.
  • Since jumping and lily pads might factor into things, you may have guessed that I am thinking of a FROG theme for our Leap Day fun.  Thanks once again to Pinterest, I may attempt these frog cupcakes:

Hmm, but now I’m thinking frog COOKIES might be easier…

One more thing I’m going to do on Leap Day is leap into a NEW RECIPE! I’ve been in a total recipe RUT recently. This one has nothing to do with frogs (thankfully, ’cause I am NOT eating frog legs!), just something I’ve been wanting to try, and Leap Day is as good a time as any! Since I am a Vicks Blogger, I’ve been following Curtis Stone’s Nature’s Kitchen series sponsored by Vicks Nature Fusion.  There’s a recipe he calls a “One-Pot Wonder” – and I’m a one-pot cook!  I’ve not tried one of Curtis’ recipes yet, even though I love watching his videos. But I am going to make this one  – a potato-corn chowder, for our Leap Day meal.


(You can check out the rest of Curtis’ videos for the Vicks Nature Fusion Nature’s Kitchen here.)

Are you planning on celebrating Leap Day this year?  If so, give me some more activity ideas!


I am being compensated for this post as part of the Vicks Blogger program.

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One Reply to “Leap Day Celebration Ideas”

  1. Leap year was always special to me as a kid. First of all, one of my cousins was born on leap day, and that was exciting, we wished her happy birthday every four years. Secondly, it was fun at school. The teachers always made a big deal of it, and we learned a lot about it in science. We never made frog cupcakes, but I might this year!


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