You don’t have to get the kids out of the car!

You know how the Golden Arches all have the tagline underneath that says something like “Billions and billions of burgers sold?” I think Ronald McDonald can attribute about 89% of those bazillions not to their deliciousness (although I will admit that I do love them!) but to the simple fact that to get one, you do not have to get the kids out of the car.

Is it a coincidence that McDonald’s became a super-power right around the time that the ol’ “Stay in your seats, kids, I’ll only be gone a minute” line became a reason for children’s services to come beating down your door? I think not.

Whoever invented the drive-thru window should go down in history right along with Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison. It’s pretty much the best idea ever – I just go up to this little window, tell them what I want and they hand it to me. Genius! But the thing that makes them so great – say it with me – you do not have to get the kids out of the car.

Honestly I don’t know why more people don’t get on the bandwagon. It seems so simple. So if there are any entrepreneurs out there, listen up. The key to success? A drive-thru window.

Think about how much simpler life would be if more businesses had drive-thrus.

Need to buy stamps or mail a letter? Stop by your friendly drive-thru post office. While we’re talking government agencies, how about a drive-thru library?

Need some Tylenol, sunscreen, antibiotics and tampons? Pull up to the window at the local drug store.

Here in Ohio we are lucky (or dumb) enough to have fun little drive thru places where you can get pop, chips and beer. I never realized what a luxury that was until the other day when I remembered on the way home from the grocery that I still needed a bag of ice. Kate was, of course, conked out in the car seat, so I just zoomed through the “Ice House.” Sure, it was a little strange having some lady hand me a 25-pound bag of ice through the window of my Corolla, but Kate stayed asleep, so who am I to complain? Imagine if I could have picked up everything I had gotten at the grocery store at the Ice House?

I think the real gold mine, though, would be drive-thru locations catering to families. Because, as I may have mentioned, the main benefit to the whole concept is that you don’t have to get the kids out of the car. Picture this: you pull inside a building that looks like a car wash, but instead of foam and brushes, you see an array of diapers, wipes and baby food. You can find anything you and your baby might need… and you don’t have to get the kids out of the car.

Did I mention this utopia is open 24 hours a day? Yes… that’s it. And they’re not only open but they really want you to come in on major holidays. But what if we combined that with the dream drive-thrus we already talked about? That would be perfect.

So if you want to be the next McDonald’s, it’s pretty easy. Just build a 24-hour drive thru Post-Office-Library-Pharmacy-Ice-Pop-Chips-Diapers-Wipes-Baby-Food Store.

And don’t forget the beer.

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More than you ever wanted to know…

In case you don’t feel you know enough about us (though between all the potty-training/breastfeeding/birth stories we’ve shared, you may think you know wayyyy too much!), we’ve each added “100 Things About Me” to our page… click here for Emily and here for Jenny… you’ll learn more than you ever wanted to know!

A big shout out to Jill at The Diaper Diaries, because we completely ripped this off of her site!

Do you still have unanswered questions?? Leave a comment and we’ll add more to the list!

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Things we wish we’d known…

It’s Works for me Wednesday, so here’s our World Breastfeeding Week edition!

Jenny and I were chatting last night about the things we wish we’d known about nursing before our first babies were born. We thought we’d share our list with you and see what great nuggets of wisdom you all had to share as well!

* You need to both be naked to figure it out. Attention dads: we mean “Mommy and baby,” not “Daddy and Mommy.”

* It will hurt for like two weeks. Yes, it will hurt if you’re doing it wrong, but until your nipples get past the initial shock, it will hurt if you’re doing it right, too.

* Your baby may want to eat ALL THE TIME. That’s normal. It’s even ok to use yourself as a pacifier!

* You don’t have to run and hide when you have to nurse, ESPECIALLY in your own house… no matter who is visiting!

* Nothing’s wrong with nursing the baby to sleep!

* Your boobs will get ginormous, and you may have to wear a tent to cover them, and that’s also normal. For instance, Jenny went from a 34 C to a 36E.

* A better weight-loss method has never been found.

* Nursing camisoles are fabulous.

* If you really have to (say, if you’re in a snowstorm and can’t stop the car), you can nurse a baby who’s buckled in a carseat. It just requires a little acrobatic skill.

* The BEST thing about it – that your baby will never go hungry. And it’s FREE!

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