Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Want to Read

I have totally gotten out of the swing of reading, and it’s time for me to get back to it! I’ve got a running list of books I want to read (I started the list on evernote but now I’m thinking pinterest might be the best way to keep track. Or maybe, you know, with a pen and paper.)

Here are a few that are on my list – but I want to add more so please leave recommendations in the comments! (and in case you were wondering, no these are not affiliate links, because I am too lazy to do all that on the off chance I might earn 11 cents that I would then have to split with Jenny.)

Also, if these books are crap, don’t blame me – I haven’t read them yet but they look good.

Without further ado…

1. If You Were Here by Jen Lancaster. I love all of Jen Lancaster’s books (as you might remember, Jenny humiliated me and I met her a couple years ago). This one is a novel, though, which confuses me because all the others are memoirs. But I’m sure it will still be hilarious!

2. Girl with the Dragon Tatoo by Reg Keeland. I actually started listening to this a year or so ago, but I found that I couldn’t pay enough attention to it while I was out running to understand the plot. I need to give it another shot, though, with a real actual book, because I hear it’s a fantastic trilogy.

3. Bossypants by Tina Fey. Because it’s a book by Tina Fey.

4. Every Last One by Anna Quindlen.

5. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. I actually own a couple of the books in this series, but I haven’t gotten around to reading them yet. Everyone I know raves about them, though, so I need to get started on them!

6. Transition by Chaz Bono. Because this stuff fascinates me (and Emilie).

7. The Bedwetter: Stories of Courage, Redemption, and Pee by Sarah Silverman. Actually it sounds like that book was made for Jenny – it contains her favorite subject!

8. The Love Goddess’ Cooking School.

9. The Brightest Star in the Sky by Marian Keyes. I love Marian Keyes but I haven’t read this one (at least I don’t think I have!).

10. Stupid and Contagious by Caprice Crane. Even the title is funny.

So what else ya got for me? What’s on your summer reading list?

(BTW if Sweet Valley Confidential isn’t on your list, it SHOULD BE.)

For more Top Ten Tuesday, check out Oh Amanda!

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14 Replies to “Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Want to Read”

  1. I just read Bossypants and it was fabulous. It was a really quick read and every page was hysterical. I even read it during finals week and got through the whole thing pretty quick!

  2. Nice list! I will have to check most of those out. Except for the Chaz Bono one. I am more unsettled than fascinated by that subject. I did enjoy Trans-Sister Radio but it took me quite a while to get through it. I can’t wait to read our BFF Jen Lancaster’s novel!

  3. loved loved loved bossypants, loved girl with the dragon tattoo but it scared the bejeesus out of me and i can’t even read the rest of the books in that series! we need to discuss this list on the phone!

  4. I haven’t read Bossypants, but Tina Fey’s prayer for her daughter makes me laugh and cry! I read it to my mother the other day and we both were almost unable to finish we were laughing so hard.

  5. agree with Abbie, Tina Fey’s book easy and fun to read. Schedule it between two “heavier” books.

  6. The Outlander was also recommended to me but I haven’t read it yet. You buy it and loan it to me. LOL I saw some good news in the Parade on Sunday. The movie The Help comes out on Aug. 12! I can hardly wait!!

  7. “The Kitchen House” was really good. As well as “Water for Elephants” and “The Murder’s Daughters.”

  8. I use to keep track of my books. I’ve tried lots of things and I really love this site. I’ve heard so much about Bossypants, it’s on my list! I tried my hardest to get into the Outlander series, but had to put it down. Loved The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the other 2 in the series. (Stieg Larsson is the author, I think Reg Keeland translated.) Some good ones I’ve recently read: Still Alice & Left Neglected by Lisa Genova, Molokai & Honolulu by Alan Brennert, Love Walked In and Belong to Me by Marisa de los Santos. Also, the Hunger Games trilogy is good. Whew, I think that’s enough:)

  9. Just finished Sweet Valley Confidential – it was amusing but not impressive enough for me…
    Tried the Dragon Tattoo audiobooks too and couldn’t get into it – maybe I need to try the actual book too…
    My summer reading list also includes rereading the Twilight books again… 😉

  10. I would just like to pick up an adult book because there are only so many time I can read The Berenstein Bears books in one week!! LOL! I am glad though that my daughter LOVES to read as much as I do, but she needs to hurry up and learn to read so I can get my OWN books to read!! 🙂 Great list, I will post those on my fridge!

  11. I agree with Jennifer…”Still Alice” by Lisa Genova was a good read. I also loved the Maisie Dobbs series by Jaqueline Winspear. “Nineteen Minutes” By Jodi Picoult will make you think a bit. “Jewels” By Danielle Steel is still my all -time favorite! I’m waiting to read “The Summer We Read Gatsby” and “Bossypants.”

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