Last month, I sent Joshua and Sophie to Vacation Bible School at our church.   VBS at my church when I was a child was pretty much the AWESOMEST week of the whole summer, so I was psyched for them to go.    And, they L-O-V-E-D it.  It was in the evenings, and even though they got home past bedtime, it was ok with me because they actually slept in for once in their lives!  They learned songs about Jesus, did crafts, made friends, and had an amazing time.  In the mornings at home, they’d sing me a duet of the songs they learned. And Bobby and I, we got a few semi-quiet evenings at home with just the baby.  WIN!

Since VBS was just the 2nd week of summer, I’ve been longing for it.  It was over far too soon.

So I decided to become a VBS ho and send my kids to another VBS.  At my brother’s church. After all my sister-in-law is in charge of the preschool program so I know they’ll be in good hands. Tee-hee.  I guess I’m not really a VBS ho *yet*, I mean I think two VBS’ is marginal, but three would be down-right skanky.  So I am just marginally skanky right now.  In terms of sending my kids to multiple church programs.

Hmm. That last paragraph is all kinds of messed up.

Once again, my little VBSers are LOVING it!  And I am loving dropping them off every evening and running off for a couple hours of semi-freedom.

So…any of you locals have a good VBS coming up in August?  Maybe in the daytime? 🙂

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10 Replies to “VB-YES!”

  1. Mrs. Duggar is appalled that you used VBS and ho in the same sentence! And her summers are all one big 10 week long VBS, churches beg them to come, attendence #s and all!

    I loved the cookies and kook-ade at VBS, Grandpa Brads used the baby jar book-ends I made in VBS in his office for years.


    1. I love those baby jar bookends! And who could beat the giant Hershey bar for memorizing all the books in the Bible! Started me on the path of memorizing information to then spit out on command = medical school!

  2. My daughter has been to two this summer! As long as they’re not going to 16 VBS’ that are all doing the same theme/lessons I think you’re fine! Of course the two she went to were the same theme but she really got a chance to learn the Bible verses and songs so it was great!

  3. I met a woman this week who is currently shopping for a new church, so she is sending her daughter to 8 different VBS’s to get to know a lot of different churches. I think when my kids are old enough to go, I will probably send them to 3 or 4 throughout the summer; it’s kind of like free summer camp!

  4. Saw Sophie in the hallway at FBK this evening. Was wishing Claire knew her more as a friend in hopes that Claire would join in the fun. But not tonight. My kids have done 2 VBS’s for the last few years…at our church and at FBK. Claire is even familiar with the preschool hallway since I attended MOPS there…but tonight was not happening. =) Hope your kiddos have a great time this week!

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