Getting Weepy Over Underoos

You know that post title could only have been written by an emotional pregnant woman, right?

Yesterday I was reading the e-mail “Parent Page” Joshua’s kindergarten teacher sends out and it said “I can’t believe there are only 8 days of school left.”


Holy Denial, Batman!

I knew Joshua’s last day of school (and Kindergarten graduation ceremony) was June 3rd, but until I read that, I hadn’t fully realized how close that is. I’ve been so busy trying not to vomit that I’ve really had my head in the sand.  Or, more accurately in the toilet.  Or in a Kroger bag in the Kroger parking lot.  But you know what I mean.

It’s almost over.

Kindergarten.  All those months I agonized about it, that first week when Joshua cried every day, all those subsequent weeks when he came home full of confidence and VOLUME and practically speaking a new language, they are almost over!  Kindergarten.  My baby’s about done with it.

Yesterday I was in his room gathering some laundry and I picked up a pair of his Thomas the Tank Engine underpants.  He’s pretty much over Thomas now.  We recently bequeathed his choo-choo table and all his Thomas paraphernalia to his cousins James and Joel.

So I stared at his Thomas underoos and was really, really sad that he has outgrown them…emotionally at least.  How long before it’s no longer cool to wear even Batman or Cars Movie underpants?  When will he decide that none of the cool kids have cartoons on their undies??

I got a wee bit weepy.

He’s such a big boy.  Is it wrong that I want to keep him in underoos forever?

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6 Replies to “Getting Weepy Over Underoos”

  1. Congrats on making it through the first yeaer of school. Get ready for a rapid ride! I’m sure it will go so fast even your emotions won’t be able to keep UP with it. (See how I snuck that UP in there?)

    As to the underwear, if he continues to wear underoos into middle and high school, you may have a therapy session or two in the offing and they all wear boxers now. Get used to it.


  2. Mitchell has 2 more days of preschool, forever. It is making me more sad then I thought it would…….

  3. Austin preschool graduation is this Wed. I am getting teary eyed just typing it. I can’t believe he is going to as he calls it big school next year. They grow up way to fast!!!!!!!!!

  4. A recent conversation with Lucy’s kindergarten secretary slapped me back into reality, much like your letter did. I have feared that my baby isn’t much of a baby, but I was in denial. However, having a FIRST GRADER seems so much more MATURE.

    And, for the record, I STILL miss my Wonder Woman underoos. I guess I’ve just never grown up. Uncle Paul must think I’m crazy nuts. Oh well… not the first time I’ve been accused of that.

  5. I can completely understand where you’re coming from. My little man is almost finished with first grade. I was telling my husband just last night that the “window” of his “littleness” is getting smaller and smaller. I asked him, “At what age does he stop being little?” Do I have at least 4 more years?

    I ask my little guy all the time, “Can I freeze you at 6 years old?” He says, “No, because I’m just going to keep getting bigger and bigger.” Wah!!! It’s so hard to be a mom.

    I have two girls ages 13 and 12, but I have the hardest time with my little guy growing up. Don’t get me wrong, it’s difficult with the girls, too. But my baby boy??? :::sigh:::

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