
Connectedness? Is that even a word? Oh, well, if it’s not, you know what I am getting at. Feeling connected has become really important to me in the last few weeks. And I am talking about connected in the physical sense. Really being with my friends, not just on skype or twitter, but being with them. I’m longing for them. Emily and I talk every day, but there’s been times these past couple of weeks or so when I’ve just wanted to drive out to her house and show up and invite myself in and sit as close to her on the couch as she’ll let me! I want to be with her. And her sister. And my BFF Luanne, and pretty much all the other wonderful women I consider good friends.

I’ve had playdates every day this week so far, and I have a friend who works full-time coming over for lunch today on her lunch break and I can’t wait. I just want to love my friends! I’ve gone through definite periods in my life where getting out and about, or cleaning the house to have guests was too much hassle. But now, it’s what I WANT to do. It is weird and compelling. But I am going with it for now.

So, you wanna come over? Let’s plan on it!

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14 Replies to “Connectedness”

  1. I made marshmallow walnut brownies last night, I’ll pack them up and be over in ohhhh….however many hours it takes to drive from northern MI to OH! I’m working on getting to the point (and having the friends) that I don’t feel like I need to clean the house for them, but that I can let them see my house (and me) as we normally are.

  2. Well, my mom is back in Dayton, so maybe some day I can come over. Or we could meet somewhere less stalkerish (wanna cruise the aisles for free samples at Dorothy Lane?).

    I know what you mean though. I have been going through a time where being with people has been very important. I have Moms Group today, tomorrow is the homeschool group Moms Night Out, and then Saturday I am going to another football game with my husband. And I’m overly excited about all of it.

  3. I’m feeling the same way and just not sure how to make it all happen. I’m glad we can have lunch. One hour is so much better than nothing.

    Maybe we need to plan a mom’s-night-in party for no other reason than to spend time with friends.

  4. I think most of us mom’s feel that way. Especially those that are SHAM’s. It is hard to fit in kids, house and running errands with having time for friends. Just invite yourself over. What is the worst thing that is going to happen she isn’t going to be home?
    By the way. I heard you are going to be at the meet and greet for Disney on Ice We will be to. I am every so excited to meet you.

  5. I pray every day that Dawn and I can live closer. We talk, of course, but I understand that need to “sit as close to her on the couch as sheโ€™ll let me!” Connectedness is good.

  6. I have those seasons too. My children are, for the moment, too unpredictable for me to get out much, but I hope to return to my social scene soon! Hugs to you!!

  7. It is refreshing to hear someone put these feeling into words. I have lived in the city I’m in for over 2 years and still do not have the close friends I so desire and that I had at my previous residence. Reading your blog helps me to know that I am NOT crazy! Thanks for the encouragement and the hope that I can and “will” find others like me that I can connect with. I work full-time and as my boys get older, my life gets busier but girlfriends are SO important to me that I HAVE to make time for them! I hope you keep busy with many friend visits!

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