Weekly Winners, August 3-9

Hosted By Sarcastic Mom

Wow, the first week of August is over! Ka-ra-zy!! This week’s shots were taken on our outing to a local splash park. For more on that VERY eventful outing, please check out my post TOMORROW! It’s practically an E! True Hollywood Story on our trip to the splash park. But anyway, here are the pleasant parts of the visit!

It was a beautiful day!

sky over splash park

Sophie was enthralled with the water spraying from on high!


And up from the ground:


Joshua preferred drier pursuits

sweetly swinging

I love these two shots of both of my kids taking a little breather:

takin' a breather


That’s all I have for this week! Don’t forget to check back tomorrow to read about the real “excitement” we had at the splash park. For more great Weekly Winners, head over to Sarcastic Mom and say hey to Lotus!

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