A Toddler has Hijacked my Blog!

Hi everyone this is Sophia Diane, also known as Sophie, SoSo, Sophie Mophie, Soph, and Moph. Hannah, whose mommy Jill writes the Diaper Diaries, tagged me to tell you 8 things about myself. So here goes!

1. I am 13.5 months old and have NO teeth. Although my top front two are really close, so who knows, maybe I’ll pop ’em through this week. In the meantime, my teeth and I are having fun keeping Mommy guessing.

2. My favorite movie is Moe and the Big Exit from Veggie Tales. When it is on I will stare at the TV enraptured for the whole hour! Not that my mom lets me watch TV or anything. I mean, as I mentioned, I am only 13.5 months old. That’s crazy! Ahem….

3. I love to nurse and even though my Mommy is trying to wean me, I think I will nurse until at least 1st grade.

4. I love to play with my hair, especially when I am sleepy.

5. I hate sitting in a shopping cart. I would much rather stand in the seat part, backwards, especially if my brother is in the big part of the cart. I have yet to meet a cart seat belt I couldn’t get past!

6. My mommy may have told you that I am training to be an Olympic diver or gymnast. Well, last week I dove into the tub when there was NO water in it. It wasn’t as much fun as when there was water.

7. When I was seven months old, I did a photo shoot for the Evenflo Snugli. I was fairly sure I was gonna be famous, but we have yet to see the pictures appear on anything. Still one day I am hoping to see my mug on the Snugli box!

8. I hate laying still to have my diaper changed or my clothes put on! I don’t know why my mommy trys to make me do tha tall the time. It is a major buzzkill!

Well now I am supposed to tag some friends, so I am going to tag my BIRTHDAY BUDDY Little Man at Lattes and Life. We were born the EXACT same day isn’t that cool?? And also I am tagging Becca whose Mommy is Deb Mom of 3 Girls, cause I wanna hear about life with sisters!

Thanks for reading! I am going to go do one of my favorite things ever…WRECK my brother’s train track! Mu-ha-ha-ha (evil toddler laugh)!

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7 Replies to “A Toddler has Hijacked my Blog!”

  1. Yeah! Another 13.5 month old who doesn’t have teeth. Sounds like my KT! And her first teeth were the top ones! We called her “Snaggle-tooth!”
    You’ll be happy to know that she did end up getting ALL of her teeth and they came in nearly perfectly. She only had braces for some minor cosmetic reasons (since she wants to go into theater as an adult, we opted to give her perfect teeth now)
    You’re a great writer, Sophie!

  2. Oh what fun! I loved learning so much about about Sophia (and can I say what an awesome typist she is for only 13.5 months! LOL), and can’t wait to see what I can get Becca to come up with! 🙂

  3. This was so cute 🙂 I love the name Sophia..it was a contender for our daughter too!

    Dear mommy- no teeth and still breastfeeding….count your blessings! 🙂

    Wishing you all a happy new year!

  4. How cute!!!! Mister Little Man will get on this as soon as mama is done blogging about Christmas…(I know, I know, I’m late…but I was computer-less in the mountains!!!)

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