We(e-wee) Wish You a Merry Christmas!

In continuation of our “Ode to SoSo” week, and in honor of the fast-approaching season of Yule, let me spin you a holiday tale. Last Christmas Sophia was a mere five weeks old, so I barely remember the holiday season, but there was one Christmas moment I’ll never forget! A few days before Christmas, my father-in-law and his wife came over to exchange gifts and spend some time with us. No sooner had they arrived when I discovered Sophie had peed though her diaper and had wet clothes. So as Bobby greeted our guests, I headed over to the changing table to change her clothes and diaper. But little Miss Sophiepants decided to throw a wrench into all of our holiday plans. Before I could get her new diaper on her, she peed all over the changing table. I don’t know how it was possible that she had that much pee left in her, but there was so much that she soaked her whole naked body, including her hair! She was basically taking a bath in her own urine. So, I yelled to Bobby for backup and we hustled Sophie to the kitchen and gave her a bath in the sink! It took us 15 or 20 minutes to take care of her and all the mess! After she was clean, dry, diapered, and dressed, we let the Christmas festivities begin. This was my frist clue that Sophie was going to make sure the spotlight was on her in every situation. She was our little (Soggy) Star Of Christmas that night!

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