More “Small Prices to Pay for a Miracle”

This current pregnancy has reminded me of lots more fun things that could be added to the list of “Small Prices to Pay for a Miracle.”

Here’s what I’ve got so far – please leave comments to let me know what I’ve forgotten!

• The all-day “morning sickness.”

• Heartburn. I had a lot of heartburn with Kate, but I don’t remember it kicking in this early!! It’s woken me up in the middle of the night twice now… time to break out the pepcid. As an aside, did you know that studies have shown that the old wives tale about heartburn equaling lots of hair on the baby is true? Crazy!

• Acne. I am breaking out like a fourteen-year-old!

• Pregnancy brain. As we’ve discussed, I’ve become stupid.

• Mood swings.

• Fatigue. It’s almost indescribable, isn’t it?

I have to say, though, that I forgot about all of this last night when I felt the baby move. Maybe these are, in fact, small prices to pay for a miracle 🙂

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12 Replies to “More “Small Prices to Pay for a Miracle””

  1. Oh God I always felt like I had a foot hanging out between my legs. Go figure- both my twins were breech, maybe it was a foot after all!
    How about feeling like you had to pee soooooooo bad, waddle to the bathroom , and all ya get is 3 drops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. How about your feet/ankles being soo swollen?? Mine always were. I remember the first time I looked at my ankles after given birth and I elled “I have skinny girl ankles again!”

  3. Never being able to lie comfortably in bed during the last trimester was the worst! I could never get comfortable!

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