Auto Tech 101

On Sunday, Sam and I went to the grocery store. On the way there, I could hear something on the car creaking. After the little run-in I’d had with the street sign, I was super-paranoid about anything being wrong with our remaining car. When I got to the grocery, though, I was relieved to discover that the source of the noise was that the trunk was a little open.

Except it wouldn’t close. I slammed it about 900 times before giving up hope.

I called my favorite mechanic, Bobby Rapson, to see if he had any suggestions for me. He said I should try to pull the lever on the inside of the car again and make sure it’s open all the way, and then try to close the trunk. I went on with my shopping, and when I got back to my car, I went to the driver’s side, started to pull the trunk release lever again, and immediately discovered the problem.

There was a juice box lodged underneath.

Welcome to my life.

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6 Replies to “Auto Tech 101”

  1. I’d been married a week and was driving my Hubby’s car. He didn’t have a job yet so he was working at his old job 3 hours away (talk about sucky). Anyway! I had finished running a 5k and stopped at Walmart for some stuff. I got out and closed the driver side door. Except it didn’t close. Or latch. Or anything. I found a screwdriver and WD-40 so I tried everything to get the latch to function. NOTHING. So after several tearful phone calls to my new hubby who was at work, I decided to go into walmart and buy 2 bungee cords (and a donut) and I had to drive home (25 miles) with the door bungeed closed. I was so scared they would slip apart and hit me in the face. And everytime I turned a corner, the door would swing partially open. Hubby drove back after work and got it fixed in about 2 seconds. argh! Then he said “I knew something was up with it but didn’t think you’d want to spend the money getting it fixed” He was right, I’d rather have bungee cord doors then a door that worked.

  2. I had a friend who stopped to pick up a box turtle. He forgot about it and a couple of days later he smashed into the back of a van when his brake would not press down. The turtle was up under the pedal. So much for being a nice guy and getting the turtle out of the road.

  3. Once I drove frantically (but still carefully) from my children’s daycare to our local mechanic praying I could reach the office before they closed. The trouble? None of the kid’s seat belts would fasten. Not even the front passenger seat belt would latch.

    The seat belts worked in the morning but not in the afternoon. Since I was in a really bad car accident as a child I’ve always been super-over-the-top insistent that anyone riding in my car wear a seat belt. To say I was freaked would be an understatement.

    Mercifully, I caught the owner just as he was locking up to leave. As I explained the circumstances he very calmly took a pen knife out of his pocket and turned on the tiny flashlight on his key ring. He deftly pulled out something white … it was part of a napkin.

    Apparently, while I’d been speaking with another parent in the parking lot earlier that morning. The kids discovered that if they latched the belt with a napkin between, they could make a hold in the middle of the napkin. They repeated the experiment enough times to interfere with the latch on 4 of the 5 seat belts in the car. Goodness only knows how often they did it or when they first started.

    In any event, the problem was soon settled and I felt rather foolish. Not to worry, he said. The same thing had happened when his wife was out of town with the kids visiting relatives. He drove 300 miles to come claim them, only to find his little darlings had been stuffing straw wrappers in the lock assembly.

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