WFMW: Caring Sharing Home

This week’s WFMW is about toys that are actually worth buying. It’s a great topic, because as we know, SO MANY toys aren’t worth the box they come in.

So anyway, I thought I’d tell you about Kate’s new favorite toy – the Caring, Sharing Home, or Mrs. Goodbee Talking Dollhouse. Kate’s generally not too into toys, but she LOVES this dollhouse. Seriously, it’s amazing how much time she’s spent playing with it. Quietly. By herself. A LOT.

It’s a great toy, and was recognized as a “2008 Outstanding Product Winner” from iParenting Media and it’s the first
dollhouse that comes to life to encourage caring and sharing through play. It’s interactive and Kate is constantly discovering more and more things the dollhouse does.

My favorite part (besides the playing quietly alone thing) is that it is designed to teach caring and empathy, and it comes with stickers that parents can give their kids when the kids do something nice for someone else. We are big fans of the sticker chart theory at our house, and this is even more exciting to Kate because she can put the stickers on her dollhouse.

You can read all about what it does and how it was developed here, but if you want to see it in action, Kate is happy to give you at tour!

For more great toy ideas, check out Rocks in my Dryer!

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4 Replies to “WFMW: Caring Sharing Home”

  1. Love the video — what a wonderful little girl you have!

    My little one turns 1yo this week and we desperately need to buy her some new toys. I’m afraid I’m permanently stunting her development by having her play with her infant toys still! But I find Toys’R’Us a bit overwhelming… any suggestions from two seasoned moms on good toys for an adventurous, exploring 1 year old?

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